What is happening, peeps?! Music has been an extremely important part of my life, bringing me much joy, a passion in school, friendships, inspiring teachers, a light to my creativity, and led me to the love of my life. I owe a lot to song and how it allows me escape my troubles, dream, and…
Author: Morgan
“The Hunter and The Bringer” Exclusive, Pre-Release Bonus!
Hello everyone! I hope you plan to have a Hoppy Easter. 😉 March has been busy (and rainy), but it was for a good cause, a cause for YOU! My newest book that I have been teasing for two years, “The Hunter and The Bringer,” is going to be released on APRIL 20th! 😀 This…
Top Ten Disney Princes (Top Ten #70) (Valentine’s) AND Small Updates
Hello everyone! Awww, Valentine’s Day. A day of romance, exchanges of sweet nothings, stocking the one that makes your heart race and palms sweat from afar, and the day dentist eagerly await as the start of their busy season! I have my fifth Valentine’s Day themed top ten ready for you, but I do have…
2018 Interview with Dan Wright (Author Gold A.U.)
Our first interview of 2018 AND I got to once again interview my dear friend, Mr. Dan Wright! What has he been up to since late 2016? What are his dorky interests of the moment? What sort of mischief are we planning on getting into this year? Find out here. Take it away, buddy! #1. Merry…
Top Ten Anime Opening/Closing Songs Sung By Yui Horie (Top Ten #69):
I recall when I was first introduced to this amazing singer and Japanese voice actress over ten years ago, by accident. I was working on my computer and my T.V. was right by it. I had just finished a disk of anime and I was bored and needing background noise, needing a few minutes to…
Top 31 Anime Japanese Anime Opening/Closing Songs (Top Ten #68)
I’m going to send 2017 out with a BANG with this lyrical and large Top Ten special! I hope everyone has a grand 2018! 😀 For this “Top Ten,” I am picking my favorite themes from animes I have watched at least a handful of episodes of, but it’s the original Japanese lyrics. Some of the…
Top 12 Animated Cats (Christmas Top Ten) (Top Ten #67)
Merry Christmas dear ones! I hope your holidays are bright as the star, make you giddy like the bells on Santa’s sleigh, and your fruit cake…um, edible. On December 6th three years ago, I received the best Christmas gift I could have ever gotten: my precious cat, Socks. She is our baby and gives us…
A.U. Author Gold Interview: Nathan Perkins
Hello everyone! I apologize for it being so long, but school work and life have dragged me down to their depths and now, with Winter Break, I can resurface! ^_^ I hope you will all have a very happy holiday if I don’t get to tell you before that. I still have lots of stuff…
A.U. Author Gold Interview: Markie Madden
Fall has begun friends! The leaves are changing, but it’s still near 100 degrees where I am! Goodness! But, I have a refreshing author here for us to cool our spirits. I met Ms. Madden at Cape Con in 2015 at her table and I loved her energy. She is willing to go the extra…
Top Ten Favorite Pokeballs (Top Ten #66):
Pokeball! GO! 😀 Timer Ball, Quick Ball, Dusk Ball, Net Ball, Luxury Ball, Heavy Ball, Rocket Ball, Love Ball, Master Ball, Ultra Ball. My hubby’s favorite is the Premier Ball.