It gives me great pleasure to introduce my very special guest, my Paper Crane press mate, the amazing Mrs. Holly Barbo! Enjoy her insight on steampunk and how it influenced her latest novel, “Sunstone.” Geared for Steampunk Hi everyone. Morgan asked me here today to discuss what is Steampunk and why I chose to write…
Author: Morgan
The Woman behind the Story
Hello everyone! ^_^ To celebrate a YEAR today (May 13th) that my first collection, “A Sweet, Little Dream,” was published, I wanted to write a post about the true woman behind my first story that I wrote at age 14-15. Enjoy this history lesson about one determined woman. ********************** Most of the stories I…
Top Ten Teams/Clubs I wish was apart of (Top Ten #33)
I may not be sporty, but I have team spirit! WOOT! =D Poms-poms and a ready attitude are all ready for this March madness month! Here is what teams or clubs I would celebrate with: Power Rangers Sailor Scouts (Sailor Moon) Elite Four (Pokemon) Teen Titans X-men Team Avatar (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Team Cullen…
Hear those May bells chime!
Weather: Cloudy, a slight chill, but nice April weather overall Working on: Final touches and one more chapter of “Spirit Vision book 3” and some final documentation for school before the MAP test for the next 2 weeks. 🙁 Currently Listening to: “I’m not an easy girl” by Lizzy Currently Watching: “Your Lie in April.” Mr….
Aspiring Author Spotlight- Mr. Ron Farrow (AAS #16)
“Music can change the world because it can change people” was said by Irish singer/song-writer Bono and I could not find a better way to describe Mr. Farrow. Mr. Farrow would be labeled as the hip, cool teacher when I met him at Lincoln Intermediate school when I started subbing. Mr. Farrow was the music teacher…
Interviewing Mr. Will Turner
I have a real treat for you guys! 😀 Please welcome author, talented voice actor, and Disney/classic 80’s and 90’s cartoon lover, Mr. Will Turner, author of the “Reynard City” graphic novel series! Where did you grow up? Did your childhood have any impact on your writing? I grew up in a market town called…
Top 15 Anime Voice Actors and Actresses I want to meet (Top Ten #32)
Top Fifteen anime voice actors/actresses I want to meet: Luci Christian Yui Horie* Chris Sabot Chris Patton Crispin Freeman Michelle Ruff Caitlin Glass Todd Haberkorn Greg Ayres Christine Auton Travis Williamham Jerry Jewell Wendee Lee Michael Lindsey Tera Strong AND Kelly Sherdian *OH Yui Horie! <3 She’s the Japanese singer that got me into J-Pop…
YA Book Bundle Giveaway! April 13th to 17th!
Do you like to read new books? Do you like things that are free? If you said YES to both of those questions, then I have a deal for you guys! ^_^ From April 13th to 17th, you can enter to win a bundle (six in each) of e-books by amazing authors FOR FREE! Spirit…
Spring Break is in Bloom!
Weather: Lovely 75, so really pretty/starting to get a little hot. The tress began bursting into bloom! YEAY! =D I love the pink petals and smell of the white apple blossoms! <3 Working on: It’s spring break, so I am catching up on errands, writing, little, important work items, relaxing, and seeing friends and family….
Top Ten Yu-Gi-Oh Characters (Top Ten #31)
*In honor of Anime St. Louis, which I do not get to attend this year (but for a good reason), I posted this top ten! Eric Straut, the voice of Seto Kiaba from Yu-gi-oh along with Brock and James from Pokémon, will be at this year’s con! I feel bad I miss him. 🙁 An…