It might be hard to believe, but when I was younger, I was a struggling reader. My phonics skills were poor and without that foundation, reading can be a challenge. So, due to my fear of messing up while reading, reading books for pleasure was not something I really enjoyed too much (other than the American Girls series). But, books were so comforting to me and libraries a safe place. I was honored to be selected as a library helper in my 10th-12th grade years of high school. Some of the best times of my life. When filing one day, I discovered a unique cover of a book in the M fiction section. Curious, I took it home and read it, falling in love. But, I was confused. Later, I found out it was the final book of 12 in this series! Opps!
This author was named Lurlene McDaniel and she opened up a world of reading, a world I can connect to. My aunt was going through treatment for her cancer at the time. Although Lurlene McDaniel’s books tend to be about young people with deadly illnesses, she researches the science of what is happening and treatments for the time and there is a sense of hope. Her words are beautiful and capture my heart. She will forever be my favorite author.
She announced this year that she was officially retiring from her decade career as a writer. I am saddened to not get to read any new works by her, but happy for her on this new journey. So, I wanted to do this blog post to honor her, tell a little about her, and which books of hers I have read, in a list of course!
Lurlene McDaniels’ Official Site:
Fantastic Fanfiction Lurlene McDaniels’ Page

Lurlene McDaniel:
Lurlene McDaniel was born in Philadelphia PA, went to college in Florida, and lives currently in Tennessee.
Her birthday is the same day as my grandma’s! April 5th! 😀
We both adore pasta and shopping! ^_^
And we both love purple and sparkles! I knew it was fate!
She has travelled all over the world.
She jokes about being a couch potato.
She has a brother, two sons, and grandkids.
The reason she got inspired to write stories of young people with heartbreaking conditions is that her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes when he was three. Seeing him in that pain and all the treatments, as a parent, she wanted to bring awareness to children who have to fight for their health. And to show how strong they are.
As an author, she has had several achievements. Her biggest is that one of her books, “Six Months to Live,” was placed in the time capsule at the Library of Congress, to be opened in 2089!
One of her books, “Don’t Die, My Love,” was the inspiration for a 1998 movie, “Shattered Hearts.” Despite my best efforts, I have never found the movie to compare! Boo! 🙁
Favorite words from fans: “I never liked to read until I read your books. Now I love to read.” Sound familiar? It’s not just me! <3
I got all these facts on her official website in the About Me section. There is more there.

Her Works:
Ms. McDaniel’s as written over 50 books since 1985. I have read quiet a few of her works from the 90’s and onward. Here is my list of all the books I have read by her in order of my favorites:
Top Books by Lurlene McDaniels:
#1. The 12 books in the “One Last Wish” series (1992-1999)- this is my first series and still my favorite for their stories and characters. I could put these in order by my favorite, but I don’t want to get you confused on the order they are meant to go in, lol!
#2. How do I Love Thee? 3 short stories in one
#3. Don’t Die, My Love.
#4. Starry, Starry Night (3 short stories with a Christmas theme)
#5. A Rose for Melinda
#6. April Lancaster series: “Till Death To Us Part,” and “For Better or Worse.”
#7. Angels of Mercy trilogy: “Angels Watching Over Me,” “Lifted Up By Angels,” and “Until Angels Close My Eyes.”
#8. The Girl Death Left Behind
#9. Saving Jessica
#10. Breathless
#11. Prey
#12. I’ll be Seeing You
#12. Briana’s Gift
#14. Heart to Heart
#15. The Last Dance
#16. Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough
#17. A Horse for Mandy
#18. My Secret Boyfriend
Other books I have, but haven’t read yet:
The Dawn Rochelle books (5 in the series),
Red Heart Tattoo,
Time Capsule,
Baby Alice is Dying
The Girl with the Broken Heart
When Happily Ever After Ends,