Welcome dreamers and movers and shakers! I am honored to have another blog post with my fantastic writing mate, Mr. Dan Wright. It has been two years since I have gotten to interview him, so I figured since we are bettering ourselves with fueling our creativity, it was about time.
Now, put your hands together or in the air in glee for the sensational and amazing fella, Mr. Dan Wright!
*All the images are either from Dan’s pages OR from Google Image Search. All credit goes to them.

- Konichiwa my dear friend! It has been far too long! First off, the people want to know all about the new book projects you are working on?
“Alwite, mate! As we say in UK! XD
I’m good, thanks for having me back on your blog! Believe it or not, I have about three projects on the go at the moment – more than I’ve ever had! The last book of my Amanda Moonstone series, the final novel of my World of Draconica series, and I also branched out into horror recently with a new book!
My friend recently introduced me to Wattpad, which I’m posting my horror stuff on, I’ve kinda become addicted to it!“

- What has the famous Dan Wright been up to the past two years since our last interview?
“Well, I wouldn’t say famous – infamous probably is better! Hahaha. But seriously, I’ve not really done NEARLY as much writing as I should have done, real life keeps getting in the way! But I’m making up for that now as much as I can. Luckily, I’ve had my lovely girlfriend Francine to keep my spirits going, and even though we live far apart, we’re never too far from each other in spirit.“

- Yes! Tell us about the lovely Franz-chan! Any wedding bells…?
“Believe it or not, I actually proposed to her on her birthday last October! Sadly, the whole situation at the moment has stopped us looking at venues, but it’s something we will look into once this is over.
Francine is the absolute love of my life – I’m a better person since I met her. Not gonna lie, I’m sad that I can’t be with her during this crisis. But I keep speaking to her online so that keeps my spirits up.“

- Tell us a little bit about what inspires your writing.
“There isn’t really one thing that inspires me to be honest – anything from video games to TV shows can give me inspiration. I also play a lot of Warhammer 40K and paint a lot of models, so things like that can really peak my interest. I guess it just really depends on how I’m feeling at the time.“

- Any challenges in this latest work? How did you overcome them?
“I think my biggest challenge was just WRITING! I dunno why, but sometimes I go through phases where I want to write, and other times I can’t be bothered. I think that sometimes anxiety can be a factor for this – but lately, I’ve just felt the urge to put words on a screen. I’ve really gotten into my horror novels I’m writing recently, so felt the urge to do that! Dunno why, I just love the protagonist in it – she’s different to a lot of characters I’ve written in the past.“

- Can you share some information for us about your fantastic cover artist?
“Ah yes! Kirsten Moody does a lot of the covers for my Amanda Moonstone and World of Draconica novels. We haven’t been in touch so much recently as she’s busy with other things, but she’s always doing fantastic artwork.” You can find her DA page here for more info: https://www.deviantart.com/snow-the-wanderer

- Name for us three good movies you’ve watched recently?
“Haven’t really seen any new movies recently, per say – but I did recently watch the original Jumanji, Cabin in the Woods, and Joker. All fantastic in their own way.“

- What staples of your childhood (activities, shows, movies, books) shaped who you are today?
“Recently, on Disney Plus, I’ve been watching the 90s Spider-Man cartoon. I loved this show when I was younger and I’m glad I got to watch it again. And even though it’s kinda dated, I still consider it the gold standard for Spider-Man shows. Another one I loved was She-Ra: Princess of Power, she was the first heroine I got into and was the inspiration for a lot of my writing. That’s the classic She-Ra by the way, not the Netflix She-Ra.“

- What would you recommend to someone who wants to tone up and be semi-fit in exercise, but still loves junk food a little too much? LOL!
“A good friend of mine runs a company called Set Go Gym, and he does a lot of online sessions during the current climate. I highly recommend checking it out as the advice he gives is nothing short of amazing. You can follow him on FB at https://www.facebook.com/setgogym/. Wow, I seem to be plugging a lot of people today!
I can’t promise that it will help you with junk food, but at least you’ll get good tips on how to keep fit!“
- Any news on the whereabouts or actions of the devious Gertrude von Gumbywapper?
“GERTRUDE!!! *shakes fist*. I haven’t seen her recently, but I know she’s in the shadows… waiting…“

- If you could team up with any superhero, who would it be and why?
“Probably Batman – because then I could scrounge off him when I needed money! XD“

- Gotta ask a Disney/Pixar question: In the past two years, what was your favorite Disney/Pixar film?
“Can I say something that might be – controversial? I really don’t like modern Disney/Pixar films. I’ll always love the classic films, but the modern ones just feel a bit – soulless to me. Also, that remake of The Lion King was just garbage in my opinion. So yeah, I’ll always love the classic, original Disney films, but modern ones just don’t do it for me.“
On a note, I agree with the live-action “Lion King.” Such a disgrace to the original!

- Can you write me a two paragraph story right now about a lizard, toe nail clippers, a tea cup, a thief, and a shopping cart? 😀
“Ok, here goes…
‘A thief was caught in a shopping mall the other day, trying to steal a lizard and a teacup. But he cut his toe on loose nail clippings as he made out with his shopping cart, allowing for security to arrest him XD‘”

- If you were trapped in a scary movie, what type of character stereotype do you think or wish you would follow?
“Knowing me, I’ll be the first one that dies!“

- What quote do you live by by someone you admire?
“I disapprove of what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” Evelyn Beatrice Hall.
“In this day and age where people can get triggered by someone having a different opinion to them (from ALL sides of the spectrum) I think we need to be reminded that Freedom of Speech is important – and just because I may not agree with you, doesn’t mean I hate you.“
About Mr. Dan Wright:

Born in the historic town of Canterbury, Dan has been writing since 2011. He is best known for his Fantasy series World of Draconica and Amanda Moonstone, but has started to expand to other genres – such as Horror. He is also a part time actor, ring announcer for South East Professional Wrestling and collector/painter of wargaming miniatures. Dan mostly writes for fun and tends to follow his own rules when writing stories.
Dan isn’t on social media – so please contact him at pandragonpublishing@gmail.com for any queries.