Hello my dear fellow lovers of the arts and epicness! I am SO thrilled to announce that after three years, I FINALLY am apart of a virtual book blog tour for my new adult duology, “The Hunter and The Bringer” AND “Monsters and Mortals!” I can’t express how excited I am for this.
This time around, I am partnering with a new fantastic site called “Be My Book Boyfriend.” They have been incredibly kind and worked hard to make this tour radical, such a lovely ladies to work with. If you want to view some fantastic reviews or have a blog tour for your book set-up, totally check them out.
Now, time to reveal the fantastic tour spots that signed up for my tour! Every single one of you is beautiful! 😀 Please click on the links to see the book samples, interviews, and links for my new adult series ^_^:

Thank you also “Be My Book Boyfriend” for the radical graphic.
Now, in addition to the tour spots, some of my wonderful writer pals interviewed me and posted the responses on their own and my Facebooks to share! In case you are not added to my Facebook or want them all in one easy place, you can read them here! Thank you all so much for the support: you guys rock to the core!

You can get your copy of “The Hunter and The Bringer,” “Monsters and Mortals,” OR any of my other books on my Amazon page OR you can click on My Books page to find out more about each book and their websites:
Tour Stops:
WARNING: Since this is a NEW ADULT (17+) book, many of the websites have very MATURE content and covers revealed on their sites. Please have a note of this. Proud of all the authors chasing their dreams. ^_^
Book Review Virginia Lee Blog (book(s) spotlight)
Book 2 Book Facebook Page (books(s) spotlight)
Jeris Book Attic (interview and spotlight)
Book Loving Pixies (spotlight)
Cranky – The Book Curmudgeon (spotlight)
Joy Whiteside (spotlight)
Sharing my Book Boyfriend (spotlight)
Kiki Reader’s Loves Books (spotlight)

Book Reading by Dan Wright:
Part of chapter #4 of “Monsters and Mortals.”
There are some curse words and vulgar wordings in here since the book is 17+. Please be warned!
Thank you so much Dan! 😀 You’re voices were incredible!
Talk Nerdy To Me:
I also got to be apart of a 24 Hour Live Stream by Skallywag productions! I am towards the final few hours. I am happy to be nerding out with two epic peeps and of course, I talked about my books, but also my other nerdy hobbies. ^_^ They got an incredible cast of people. 🙂 You should have a listen to it sometime!

Virtual SEMO Con 2020 Facebook Live Hour Video:
Adding to the tailed of the tour, I got to do my first virtual con, my beloved fourth year at SEMO con, one of the friendliest conventions ever. ^_^ Although I would have rather seen my con family in person, it was nice and an experience do to this. At noon, as a vendor, I got to do a Facebook Live for the first time. Sorry it’s so big and blurry. You can click the Facebook icon to watch it on Facebook. Check it out here:
Michelle Franklin Interview:
1) Morgan, why not begin by telling everyone how you became an author- I’ve always cherished writing. It was my voice while I grew up. I was very timid so when I couldn’t verbally express myself from fear, I did it with written words (mostly through poems). As for professionally, I wrote my first manuscript starting at the age of 14. My freshmen language arts teacher was very over-the-top and told me with great vigor I would be a great character in the book he was working on. It made me chuckle at the time, but then the wheels turned, the thought on repeat that if he could write a book, what was stopping me? Once from them, my overactive imagination took over and I began writing “Spirit Vision.” It took five years to finish and another four to get published, but I was finally given a chance and my life has been grander for it ever since. ^_^
2) You’ve been quite busy since Spirit Vision. Why not tell everyone what your newest book Monsters and Mortals is all about?- With “Spirit Vision,” it being young adult, I had to make it edgy and entertaining, relatable and hopeful for the age group. I had limits on language and content. I wanted to be a little bolder and write characters that were older, so I discovered the new adult genre and boom! Imagination meets more mature content, wording, action, and the works.
I was in a writing group for a while and I was thinking of how monster related books have gotten so watered down. Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE “Twilight,” “House of Night,” “Vampire Academy,” where monsters fall for humans or are more humane. I wanted to get monsters back to their routes though, their only desire to feed. But, in our modern world, the masses had to be protected. Who would do that? Hunters of course! Then the characters rolled into play, two rivaling groups with the same goal of protecting the world but very different views and approaches.
Val is a tough-as-nails Hunter with an affinity in weapons, martial arts, combat, and ancient lore. Then there is Jeremey, the flirty, charming Bringer who is an expert in defensive skills, his group not wanting to kill any form of creature. The two cannot stand each other obviously but are forced to work together from a huge monster threat. And the series goes from there; the two are forced to collearbate, adventures, battles, mysteries, comedy, and revelations ensuing.
3) How did you spend the chief of your time during the pandemic? I know it’s still ongoing, but did you manage to finish any new projects? Due to my busy jobs in education, it took me a while to finish the two books in my newest series for my time is limited. The pandemic has been a challenge for me like many for I am a social person. I also had some medical issues going on at the same time, not related; go figure. But, I tried to be creative. I reorganized my home, started getting into perler bead creations, hard core updated my author website, began doing weekly read alouds of children’s books and my works, pieced together a few new cosplays, started a local female anime club, and still taught virtually.
Writing wise, I was able to finish Monsters and Mortals, making it longer than I expected. I also began piecing together the manuscript for my new published work I hope to be out before the holidays, and composing a few poems and short stories for the future.
4) Who does the lovely art for your book covers? What drew you to that iconic manga/manhwa style? Her name is Suzy Zhang AKA Cherry Rabbit. I have been friends with her since high school (we both love Cardcaptor Sakura and had fan sites for the show/manga). She is absolutely incredible as an artist, friend, and human being. What a doll! ^_^ I am an otaku; a huge fan of every aspect of Japanese culture and that for sure includes manga. Manga style is so breathtaking, colorful, and speaks to the soul. I knew I wanted her to be my artist right away and how she made my doodles so beautiful…the world was hooked. I am so grateful to her.
Her links are here: https://cherryrabbit.net/
5) Who were the authors who inspired you growing up? Are there any contemporary authors whom you look to for inspiration? My favorite series when I was young was “The American Girls” books. The books that really wanted me to become an author was ironically “The Twilight Saga” and anything by Lurlene McDaniels; she helped get me through some hard times. My favorite current writer is Rick Riordan; I can read anything he conjures up. For inspiration, the poems of Robert Frost speak to me and I am also a fan of Shakespeare and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
6) I know how much you love animated shows and films, as do I, and I know you have lists for all of them, but if you only had to pick three animated shows and films to watch forever, which would they be and why? Gosh! Only three? I suppose “Pokemon,” “Sailor Moon,” and “Cardcaptor Sakura.” “Pokemon” isn’t a fandom; it’s a lifestyle and a huge part of who I am today, helping me meet tons of people. Plus, it’s such an ongoing series, so I have plenty to watch. Ha! “Sailor Moon” captured my heart from the first episode and inspires me and makes me just joyful. It has a lot of content too. “Cardcaptor Sakura” is my favorite manga as well. The thought of being an adorable magical girl is my dream, her romance is too pure for this world, and the costumes! It was my first real anime and I will be loyal to it for life.
7) We love our anime seasons– what is your favourite new show this summer? My current obsession is “Fruits Basket,” the revamped series. This year they are animating the rest of the manga and it is perfection! I have been watching anime I have been wanting to for a few years, but due to time, have missed, or rewatching newer versions of ones I love, such as the newest dub of “Cardcaptor Sakura” or the new English dub of “Golden Time.”
You can see the full list of all my animes here: http://morganscomnick.com/bio/to-be-an-nerdy-otaku/
8 ) I started playing Dungeons and Dragons with my students, to teach them the importance of characterization. What enjoyable activities do you do with your students to keep them engaged? I adore Dungeons and Dragons! My husband and I have only played for three years, but we are pretty invested, currently in two campaigns. I’m a half-elf lawful rogue in one, basically female Robin Hood, and a range fighter centaur in the other. I think I have had 7 characters so far, my favorites being a high elf druid princess and a very flirty tiefling bard.
Ha! Sorry! I got sidetracked. My students.
With my elementary and Sunday school students, establishing a routine is key and having good communication with them. I balance traditional learning with creative. Craft projects, celebrating every holiday, interacting with all of the staff with manners and respect, interactive activities. I encourage their imaginations. My room is extremely colorful and decorated in things they love and I love to have that rapport established off the bat. We also like to play games together, dancing to music, puzzles, drawing, and card games. They are little masters at UNO! I’m proud.
I am also the sensei of the anime club at the high school in my district. What a dream job! We watch anime a few times a month, have a monthly manga day where they either read series or practice their drawing skills, watch an anime film, Studio Ghibli a popular choice, celebrate the holidays like Sports Day, Christmas, White Day, and such in the proper ways, have monthly words we study and do hands-on review games with, crafts for big animes such as Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and more, and we try to raise money to go towards our annual LARPing field trip through a local group and if possible, another one, such as seeing an anime film released at the theater or have my friend who is a trained Samurai visit and teach them sword techniques, self-defense, and play with his beautiful, sweet akitas. I am so lucky to have these amazing young people in my life and helping to fuel, encourage, and shape the next generation of nerds to be powerful, kind forces who are proud of themselves.
9) I recently wrote a grimoire pertaining to one of the cultures in my fantasy series. Have you thought of doing any books based on your fantasy worlds, and if so, what are they about? Much congrats on your grimoire! 😀 Both of my works are set in the modern world with fantastical elements, trying to blend the two together. If I ever did a more pure fantasy genre of works, then I could see that. I am working on a fan book/short story for my “The Hunter and The Bringer” series I hope to be out next year and eventually, I would want to do one for “Spirit Vision” too.
10) I am always interested in hearing about what kind of tea and cake everyone likes. If we had a tea party together, tell me everything you would make, from the savouries to the sweets. Oh! I hear you give incredible tea parties! And I love them. I actually have an American Girls Cook Book I used for tea parties with foods inspired by the girls and their time periods.
I do enjoy savory foods. For finger sandwiches, I am good with anything with cream cheese, including the staple cucumber. One of my favorite things are little smokies, but I am not sure if that is tea party proper. HA! Anything with cheese on it too. I like cold milk tea the best, but earl gray with sugar or green tea with honey is good too. Sorry I’m a silly American who loves cold or chilled for almost all my drinks!
For desserts, I am a chocolate fiend. My favorite is yellow cake with chocolate icings, but I do like red velvet with cream cheese frosting, confetti cake, and I am a fan of brownies. Anything you make will be tasty and classy, I know! And I know your table would be lovely.
Thank you for interviewing me. It has been such an honor!

Find out about Michelle and her beautiful, enchanting works on her Amazon page here.
Julie Niemann Interview:
My amazing friend Julie, was so grand and interviewed me! Here is my interview with her here. The questions for so much fun and she is such a true friend and fan! Julie does STUNNING fan art for my series AND was a beta reader for my two latest, so her questions are REALLY geared to get you guys interested in “The Hunter and The Bringer.” They were super fun to ponder. 😀
Interview with J.A. Niemann:
You can purchase her books on Lulu:

Rachel Stiber Interview:
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview. Below, you will find twenty questions; some are serious while others are playful. Answer as many as you like.
1. Talk about your latest work. Is it a novel? Short story? Nonfiction? Give a brief synopsis, sharing as much (or as little) as you like.- My newest work, “Monsters and Mortals,” is the second book in my new adult series, “The Hunter and The Bringer.” The series follows the top agents of two rivaling monster hunting groups. Valda is the tough-as-nails star of The Hunters who use weapons to destroy vile monsters whose only goal is to feed and destroy. Jeremey is the over-the-top and charming golden boy of The Bringers, who use defensive measures and science to capture monsters for research, not killing. With different ideals and personalities, the two do not get along. So, when they are forced to work on a joint case to stop a powerful threat, adventures, mystery, and comedy ensues as they dive deeper into lore, backstories, and battles. The book is fiction if you can’t tell, unless you know something about monsters in the real world that I don’t…Gasp!
2. Where did you get your inspiration to write your latest work? Or, where do you find inspiration for writing? I have been blessed with an overactive imagination, which helps a lot. I get inspired by that, my dreams, anime, manga, and other medias. The inspiration for this series came from my thought of how in modern literature, monsters have lost their roots, their bloodlust. Don’t get me wrong; I am a huge “Twilight” fan along with “House of Night,” “Vampire Academy,” and others like it! But from there, I began thinking of if monsters are still lurking in our world, who would protect it? And that is how this concept came into play. The characters took their own form in this work and I went with their choices. Boy, I’m so glad I did!
3. Describe your writing process.- Honestly, as I have gotten older, I have to be in the writing mood and time. Finding time is the hardest part of it! Guess that’s a dull process. I do outline what the main goal of each chapter is along with key quotes I want within that section. I also let my characters guide the actions when I need to.
4. How important are names to you in your book(s)? Do you choose names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend? Names are HUGE to me! I like to come up with names that are unique and mean something that reflects the character, such as Valda means ‘powerful’ and Umbra from my “Spirit Vision” series means ‘shadow of the moon.’
5. Is there a certain type of scene that is harder for you to write than others? Transition scenes can be tricky. Dialogue comes easier for me than any other, but I like descriptions too. More mature content scenes made me nervous until I got used to them and I wanted to make sure they were tasteful. I hope I met that goal.
6. What is your least favorite part of the writing/publishing process? Marketing! Arg! It’s so fickle, things always changing, and I can’t keep up with social media treads. I sound so old. It nearly takes a full time job to do it. Any support is precious to me, I lucky to have fantastic and supportive family, friends, and fans. My favorite form of marketing is going to conventions, nerding out and meeting people face-to-face for that precious interaction. Nothing is better! 🙂
7. Have you read your work since it has been published? I have. Mostly to do edits, for class readings, or book samples/promoting. It is surreal when I get to read my works and hold them in my hands, all the hard work tangible in my hand.
8. What is your best marketing tip? I may not be the best to give advice, but go out. Reach towards your audience. Libraries, book stores, conventions are great places to get exposure with book lovers and fans with similar interests. Have an author site and social medias and when you post, make it half promotional for your work and the other fun. You want to be relatable to your fans, not just a sales ad. It will turn them off. Such as I do nerdy top tens once a month and video game reviews every once and a while on top of my book advertisements and information.
9. What are you working on currently? What is your next project? I am working on the final short stories for my next published work I want released before the holidays this year. After this, I will work on my fan/short story book for my “The Hunter and The Bringer” series I am aiming to be out by spring/summer 2021. Then I want to get back into “Spirit Vision;” it’s been far too long!
10. What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors? Be creative! Go after your dream! Write about what you know and what you love, then you will come up with a fantastic tale.
11. If you could cast your characters in a Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters? I get this question a lot and I hate to say I haven’t researched this enough. If I had my dream platform, I would want “The Hunter and The Bringer” to be a Netflix series, “Spirit Vision” an anime series, and some of my short stories as films. The only person I know I would want to be a character is Chris Evans as Jeremey. He’s got the look and him being a goofy, flirty ham would be so comedical to me! I think he’d ace it.
12. Do your characters’ personalities reflect your personality or the personalities of people you know? Yes. My main characters so far have some of me in them, but also traits I wished I had. In “Spirit Vision,” most of the characters are either based on friends of mine, my family, former teachers, and spirits I have encountered. “The Hunter and The Bringer” has a few characters based on figures from books, games, or films I am a fan of, but with twists. The characters came to life in both series and drove certain components of each work.
13. What is one place you want to visit that you have not visited yet? JAPAN! At least three weeks! It would be sugoi!
14. What were you like as a child? What was your favorite toy? What a sweet question. 🙂 Very shy to the point I would stare at the group and apologize for breathing near people’s space. I still say sorry too much. I was a goody-two shoes, a people pleaser without kissing butt, creative, giving, good manners, overly colorful (which I got bullied for often), and self-critical. I haven’t changed much, but adulthood has given me more of a backbone and sadly more anxieties, lol!
I was an avid Barbie, figurines, stuffed animals (especially teddy bears), dress-up player, but my most prized toy is my stuffed animal Simba from when “The Lion King” came out in 1994. I’ve had him since I was four. He has been with me through so many events in my life. We celebrated his birthday each year too! HA!
15. If you had a superpower, what would it be? I have always been drawn to psychic powers. I would want abilities like Professor X OR Jean Gray before she became The Dark Phoenix. Ironic since I cosplay as Shadow Cat! Hehehe.
16. If you were a superhero, what would your name be? What would you wear? Oooh! I never thought about it. I made a magical girl persona in middle school called Time Mistress. Something enchanting like that. ^_^
17. What literary character is most like you? I think I am the most like Tohru Honda in my beloved anime and manga, “Fruits Basket.” I even cosplay as her, but she is the most genuine person. I hope to be like that. My friends told me I am like Giselle in the Disney movie “Enchanted.” How fun would that be! Stary and Valda, my main female characters, are based on me, but with either powers or more bravery.
18. If you were an animal in a zoo, what would you be and why? A giraffe, for they have dreams! 😀 Inside joke. And their tongues are wild! A lion would be my second choice.
19. What is one thing you would like to accomplish before you pass away? I would love for my works to be more well-known and make people happy, but my dream in all I do is to have the people I meet know they are cared about, that they are all shining stars that contribute to the world. If I can inspire someone else even a little to make our planet a better place, then I am content with my life.
20. What do you want your tombstone to say? “Hold on to ‘what if…’”

You can purchase her elegant written, Elise’s Choice, here:
Holly Barbo Interview:
Check out the interview I did with the amazing Holly Barbo on her website here: