ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! Four years ago, through a co-worker, Derrick and I were introduced to this staple of fantasy, imagination, and nerdom. This is a dream that Derrick had wanted to do since he was a little boy and man; he took to this like an eagle to a fresh fish! Researching and getting sucked into Critical Role (cannot blame him there.) Soon, we found some local groups through friends and our town’s bookstore, game shop, and comic book hub. And look at me now?! I am running my OWN campaign, a homebrew I created! It stimulates my mind, fuels my creativity, and has given me friendships with strong bonds. D & D really is a perfect outlet for an author and geek, to keep us sharp and relaxed. ^_^
In this post, I wanted to talk about my favorite characters that I have created and played with a little bit of background on them. Let’s do this. THANK YOU JULIE AND DREW FOR THE BEAUTIFUL FANART! 🙂
Princess Marlana (elf druid princess:) This was the first character I ever made and the one that acts the most like me personality-wise: timid, lawful good, kind, a romantic, helpful, likes range attacks/magic best, likes learning, and loyal. I tease that she is basically an elf Disney Princess, lol! I have cosplayed as her a few times (closet and now a Ren Faire purple dress that fits her perfectly thanks to my girl, Drew.)
Background: Marlana is about 135 years old (most elves live to be around 700) from the kingdom of Yamayami, an elven protected by magical mountains. Marlana’s father was the king and has ruled the kingdom for hundreds of years in peace with his beautiful and gentle queen. However, when Marlana was five years old, her beloved mother died trying to give birth to a son, Marlana’s little brother. The King and Marlana were devasted to lose them both. From there, the King asked his best friend and most trusted guard’s son, Takuro, who was close to Marlana’s age, to be her playmate and train to be her future protector. Takuro was honored, always finding Marlana lovely and kind. They were each other’s companions, teachers, friends, and deep in their hearts, true loves, even though they never admitted it due to their class differences.
Yet, tragedy struck one day. A god of darkness manifested a portal where Marlana and Takuro were resting under their favorite wisteria tree. The vial being outstretched its clawed, shadow hand ready to capture the princess, yearning for centuries to find a way to destroy this guarded, peaceful land. Takuro pushed her out of the way at the last second, being sucked into the realm of darkness. As Marlana screamed and tried to find the hurricane-like winds to reach the closing portal, a projectile hit her stomach and flung her back as it shut. It was a mirror. With it, she could see Takuro wrapped in shadows in another dimension, suffering, but his love for her beating strong inside her as well. She can feel his anguish and his pain. Many magical beings came to the kingdom’s call to try to find a way to this evil realm, but none could.
Marlana then asked to take a leave of absence until her father was ready to give her the kingdom so she herself could find out more about this monstrous god and how to save Takuro through their connection. She traveled this sheltered girl, all over the world, training with many powerful beings.
But, it has been 40 years now, her time to return home and rule her kingdom almost upon her in a few months’ time. As she was venturing out after getting the blessings of the moon druids to use her new abilities, she ran into a group of adventurers who needed help. Maybe this quest would help her with what she needed while aiding others…
Hikari (protector aasimar cleric)- My second character. I only got to use this character for a little bit, but man! Being an angelic being a cleric is so empowering! I took out a hoard of giants with my radiance and some massive boulders too! What a rush! Fighting evil by light! So, I definitely would want to play her again!
Background: So, I made her golden blonde with curly hair and clear day sky blue, giving her a celestial appearance and elements I use for divine beings in my “Spirit Vision” series. She is a sage who loves to write and find historical documentation in order to help her family. Hikari and her younger brother, Kosuke (means rising sun) grew up in a small, spiritual village, having a good, happy life. Their father was a historian on religions and gods around the world and their mother, was a midwife, blessed by Lilira, the goddess of joy. She was so devoted, both her children were given divine blood (gifted aasimar abilities instead of from bloodline.) Some people in the village saw them as blessings, others freaks.
One day, the god of storms, Talos, covered their land in darkness while Hikari and Kosuke were playing outside. They were knocked down by the strong gales and in the tornado of madness, Kosuke vanished. The family searched for him for two years, but to no avail, returning back to their hometown, saddened and praying for a miracle when Hikari was ten. A year later, another raging storm of black clouds and winds occurred, but needle-sharp feathers rained down, taking the lives of a few innocents. Trying to use some of the powers she was slowly training in under the god she connected to most, Helm, she threw a flare of light to the heavens to see the face of this dark angel, the man looking identical to her younger brother! Ever since Hikari has studied and trained with her aasimar and light powers, all in search of her precious little brother and a way to bring him back into the light. On her way, she takes her cleric pledge seriously and helps anyone who needs it, which led her to a land that was destroyed by giants…with more coming.
Tiki (gnome, Eldrich Knight, duel-fighter)- HA! Okay! This character was made for role-playing purposes, for fun. So, I do not like to get in the thick of fights, in real life, so Tiki reflected that. She was beyond shy, talked in the third person (which was adorable,) scared of people, and had an epic pet badger that was almost as big as her named Huffle (ha! I know! LOL!) Yet, I made her a duel-fighter and she still was scared to get up into combat or my height put me at a disadvantage. So, I got kidnapped or knocked out a lot! I only used her for two very short or one-shots. I did finally get some magic at level three by choosing Eldrich Knight but did not get to use it often. I did get captured and interrogated by a goblin mob, which was ironically funny! Tiki also got a camel named Cantalope when they were looking for treasure in pyramids.
Background: Tiki was part of the Ladynior Clan deep in the forest (can you tell this was when I was starting to get obsessed with “Ladybug and Cat Noir,” lol?!) Her father was a hunter and left for months at the time to get game for the tribe, to sell the furs, and feed their people while her mother nursed baby animals and gnomes. Because of her small size, Tiki was bullied a lot, especially by boys. Her natural anxiety didn’t help either. She has several scars, bruises, and marks from it and running away and hiding for years. This also made her nibble and used to being alone other than her loyal and sweet best friend, Huffle the badger. In the field, she learned to be accurate with two short swords and a crossbow. One day, when her mother was off helping a fawn out in the middle of the woods with a broken leg, she asked Tiki to watch the newborns. Tiki is great with the little ones, but an infant girl gnome suddenly had issues breathing while Tiki was holding her and before she could react to save her, the baby died in her arms. The hunting part came back and saw the scene, assuming Tiki murdered the little one. Heartbroken and scared, Tiki was chased out of her village, with Huffle, never allowed to return. She is just now trying to survive, now even more untrusting than ever.
Olympia (tiefling bard- entertainer with fey tutor/glamour college)- I must admit, this is my favorite D & D character I have ever played and it is the one least like me in real life! HA! If you have ever seen “The Golden Girls,” I based my Olympia on Blanche from that show, Southern accent, rich lifestyle, charming in ‘many ways;’ the whole nine yards. And I really got into the character! She wasn’t the best physical fighter, but getting to mock people into blowing up and having a +5 (max) to my charisma modifier made me excellent at getting us information or out of situations through my feminine charm and appearance. 😉 Helped us make soldiers and shopkeepers fall for me, get us free breakfast, soothe a dragon, and Bellydance and sing, getting every man in the bar to shower me with drinks, gifts, and money. ^_- I would be her again in a heartbeat!
Designing her was a blast too: pale rose pink skin, tan ram horns that curve into my long, chestnut brown hair, a rare, thin-sized tail, small fangs, deep purple eyes, full, lush, soft lips, an attractive body to many (and knows how to move and pose with it.) She wears her family seal on her necklace, a deep pink corset, a sparkling red half cape, and a long brown skirt that slits almost all the way up. She adores the finer things in life, especially pretty and slightly revealing clothes (it helps her too with her entertainment dream.)
Background: Olympia is the third daughter of the richest man in the county of Ormath in the deep south. They specialize in grapes that make the finest wines and treats. Their home was massive and lovely, but there was still pressure in their city since tieflings, although other-worldly beautiful, are also feared due to their Inferno connection. Still, Olympia’s mother, who was a breathtaking tiefling, taught her children to be proper ladies. Olympia’s two elder sisters were perfect: sophisticated, bright, and successful in all they do. She tried to live up to them, yet she got distracted easily or struggled with some forms of academics. Yet, Olympia was excellent with music, acting, singing, and storytelling. And of course, her beauty was known far and wide. She would listen to her mother read fairy tales and always dreamed of finding her prince charming, but Olympia enjoys flirting; gotta test out to see which her true love is, right? She knew other than her looks, she would never help her family. So, until she was forced to settle down for the family name (but she did wait until her little brother, who she was close to, turned 18 so he could properly be trained as the heir he was meant to be,) she kissed her parents’ cheeks, grabbed her entertaining gear, and skipped off to go follow her dream: to become the world’s greatest and most loved entertainer and find love (or lots of flings.) She listens to the teachings of many deities: Tymorn (fortune), June (love and beauty), Milils (song), and Helm (protection.)
*Julie later made a character that was my second sister. Her backstory and how opposite, but endearing we were together was amazing and fun. 😉
Loxley (half-elf, lawful rogue, folk hero)- Another snide, oozing with charm character, but I based this one on one of my favorite legends: Robin Hood, but a female and a half-elf, ha! I made this character for when Derrick was DMing for his family. It was weird not having magic, but I had excellent aim with my bow! I really felt epic in this role!
I adored taking my green lace dress and adding closet elements. I added a leather vest, my precious black pleather boots, leggings, a belt with a coin purse and potion bottle on it, leather cuffs I got at a Ren Faire, a silver key necklace (that I made a gift from my father,) and my Robin Hood with red feather hat and a cloak I have had for ages. My character also has their family crest, a lion in a shield, tattooed in their inner left wrist.
Background: Loxley came from an old family, higher-up nobles, but they were kind and giving to all. Raised in a lavish estate, her human father was a Duke. Loxley has never met her mother, but she is the elf queen of a stunning forest in their land. Their parents met when he was a loyal, young soldier to the king, resting by the fairy queen’s forest. They spent a few months together until she had to return to the sacred tree to rest. Nine months later, Loxley was born and placed in a beautiful basket with a note on her father’s estate. Loxley was raised as a boy because her father knew nothing about lady affairs. Loxley became proficient in combat, survival skills, acrobatics, confidence, stealth, and how to be a gentleman. This made her well-loved by all who met her, even as a spirited child. Loxley’s favorite thing to do was go on adventures around the country. Then, when she became a young teenager, war broke out against their beloved, gentle, king that the family adored. Loxley got to join the King’s army due to their family being so loyal to the crown. The King took a liking to Loxley, the two becoming close. However, they were captured and became prisoners of war. It took some careful planning, but they managed to escape. Still, the King pushed Loxley into a boat, asking him to help the little people of his country while he rallied more sources to stop his evil brother, who had taken over the land. Loxley’s heart broke to leave his king, but he went back to his manor that had been ransacked. She grabbed her gear, grabbed a deep red and navy cloak and green hat to cover her ears, starting her path to becoming the folk hero who ‘robbed from the rich to give to the poor and quite a charmer to all who met her/him. While relaxing after a grand heist, she stumbled into a door, and then the next thing she knew, she tumbled out of a wardrobe into another realm. She was unfazed, assuming she partook in a little too much ale, ready for another adventure!
*Julie also made another companion with this character, being one of my Merry Crew, Little Jane (based on Little John.) 😀
I thought for this last one since I had to CREATE my own race (which was a lot of fun,) I would just copy this lovely lady’s bio and race information. Her name is Odette. ^-^ She is Ariel and Tinkerbell basically combined. LOL!
Odette Aquavale
Class: artificer
Age: 18 (college freshmen, second semester), almost 19
Height: 5 foot, 7 inches
Hair: Long, blonde, mostly straight with slight beach curls at the tip. A few streaks of sky blue run through her hair.
Eye: Sapphire blue with mixtures of other turiques
Skin: moonlight toned
Tail Color: pink and purple swirls
Usually wears a Umi U tank and jean short shorts when in ‘land’ form.
Always has a coral shell necklace with a glass blue seastar around her neck, a symbol of her race.
Mother, Cadence, is a powerful, kind healer through singing.
Father, Volturnus, is one of the 8 cabinet members of Umi U and a chair at the history department. He has the power to redirect lightning.
I’m the youngest of three older brothers and three older sisters, all goofy.
I’ve always loved to collect anything historical-looking, even if it was broken; I’d just tinker with it and make it a cool gadget, new life.
People think I’m a hoarder, but I’m a collector. And I have many hideouts throughout Crystal Tides to hide my discoveries.
My degree of study is lore research. I believe there is no such thing as a purely fiction story; something real inspired at least a part of it. I have always loved the myths, legends, and fairy tales of the land. Creativity from the past.
I met a young man, Tristian, in my degree class. He was a second-semester junior and we hit it off right away, his seaglass green and royal blue eyes mesmerizing. Everything was fun and warm when I was around him and his smile made me happy. He was determined to prove the theory of the beings of nature leaving clues for us hidden so we could figure out the Forgotten. We went on an exposition together with a few other classmates, but sadly, during a massive storm even all of us could not slow, a giant boulder came down towards us on a mountain top. He shoved me out of the way, it barely missing me, but it crushed him.
His compass on his gear rolled off and he found it later. It now stays with me at all times.
I want to finish his research and dream, the one he was so passionate about. My father thinks it’s a dumb idea and I intended to run off on my own with my gear, but I bumped into Master Kelpown of the council. He has asked for my help, with father’s permission, on a “project,” but said I can still do my own quests along the way if I wish…

My two officials:
Kelpown– 56 years old. From a well-bred family of politicians. He is a successful businessman. Has an uppy air and is known as “the silver sea fox” for his looks. Although he’s aristocratic, he will definitely be his people with elegant words to the end.
Trini– 43 years old. The aunt of the young and dashing Uniter of the main dwelling of Aquanights.
Her wisdom, kindness, and uplifting ideas to help the future generations of all races won the people over.
Officials are voted on by the Aquanights for 10-year terms, a male and female. Both of them have currently been on the council for only a year.
The Uniter-Aruna
Six years ago, a civil war nearly broke out between the Aquanights over territory. A young and dashing officer in the navy was able to soothe the tension with his words, wisdom, and calming abilities. It took about a year go draw out the map and make everyone happy.
Going above duty, the people appointed him the governor of the Aquanights, but keeling the same counsel to help. He caught on quickly though and has really driven his people without being a king, helping to keep level heads for peace.
He is currently 27 and considered otherworldly handsome. It is rumored he loves pretty things, especially lovely and bright women.
He lives in Colbat Cove in a lighthouse mansion.
Aquanights can live up to 300 years, reaching the start of puberty at 15. But they age slowly and tend to be attractive and charming by nature.
Pillar Beliefs- The Aquanights believe there are beings of energy that formed the world, one for each element and to keep their element stable. When we care for that element, the beings get stronger and can protect it more. Opposite if we pollute or damage.
They believe before The Forgotten, the Aquanights believe the pillars were built as a place for the energies to rest, recharge, and communicate to the inhabitants of this world. Gifts and prayers were offered to these divine guardians of Elements.
Over time, the races became selfish, polluting, ignoring the gifts of their world. Having enough, the energies combined their strength and blinded the world in light, wiping all the races’ memories clean, nature starting over again on its own slowly from the raining of elemental debris.
Researchers believe the beings left clues of what they have done and how we can stop it from happening again, to make nature stronger.
The Aquanights do believe in a god of water and sea life.
Her name is Lapis. She has a shrine where she dwells on Moonscar Island. The whirlwinds are deadly surrounding it so few have tried to venture. Some say the souls of the dead who suffered or died early make up the whirlpool itself.
It says those worthy can pass through to get to the shrine to meet the goddess and she may grant you a wish.
The Aquanights are very loyal to the fact they have a water goddess. Some think she and the water being are the same.
The Aquanights have a good navy and army to protect their people. They also have guardians stationed to protect their pillar.
Their pillar is The Misty Pillar.
Cobalt Cove is their main city. It is a thriving place of commerce, trading, tourism, art, history, and technology, water features everywhere. It’s also the cleanest city in the land.
They welcome any race to visit, hosting lavish events, But not stay.
The salty air is said to be good for those who are ill.
Crystal Tides is the second biggest city for them. It is entirely underwater, but not far from the shore. It does have an upper layer to the city with domes for air breathers, set up on floating pillars. The bottom and bigger layer is for the Aquanights and is where the university, Umi U, is, that helps those 18 to 22 at least train for any career path and firsthand experience. There is a wide variety of degrees.
Their mascot is a dolphin and is very popular in the media.
There are several smaller towns of Aquanights. They are a loyal and proud race, but also welcome newcomers and are either social butterflies or timid, depending on background.
But they will praise the power of water to kingdom come!
There are river and lake Aquanights. They tend to not be as friendly or like the rules of the “main dwellers,” who are from oceans, seas, islands, or cities (they rudely call them salt snob).
There is an encampment called Dewdrop. They are free and welcoming spirits who avoid conflict. They are very chill but love to party. They are good survivors too, being close to a forest as well.
Soul Connections: Beyond their families, Aquanights tend to bond through their souls with five people, one for each point of a seastar, rumored to be messengers of wishes for the water goddess. Once they meet or touch this person, the aura around that person tends to glow in divine light, and over time, the Aquanight can sense emotions from that person even when far away, like an empath. However, both people have to be attuned to their soul and feelings (even if they are not magic users OR Aquanights), and some Aquanights sense their soul connections better or stronger than others. Best friends, allies, and true loves tend to be common soul connections for them.
Other traits of Aquanights:
-All have a variant-of blues and/or greens.
-Hair can be any color, texture, or style. When they hit puberty, they get a few streaks of color in their hair.
– Can transform between legs and fins with ease once they also hit puberty, but it takes practice.
– No issue with air or water. Gills are hidden under their skin. When underwater, their skin glows lightly.
-Fins/Tails can be in an array of colors and patterns.
-Dark Vision.
– resistant to cold damage.
– Can eat basically anything.
– Do need to swim or bathe at least in water every 3 days at the max to gain proper nutrition and stay truly hydrated.
-However, if they are caught in a downpour (due to being heavy and continual), they will transform into “mermaid” form wherever they are, gills kicking in. If this occurs on land, it’s a problem. They will need a place to either submerge or to fully dry. The max they can stay like this before choking is 10 minutes and it’s painful beforehand.
-Light rain does not hurt them but it feels like bug bites or stings for their lungs and gills keep shifting.
– Some Aquanights have special abilities, like healing others through song or calling down, or directing a small amount of lightning. (My mother is a healer and my father can do the Lightning ability).
-All have access to even minor magic if they tap into it, but the level depends on each person and training.
Dungeons and Dragons has given me a lot in my life (including an obsession with dice.) I highly recommend everyone at least watch a session or try a one-shot once in their life. I hope my characters give you a little look into my imagination, inspire you, or just makes you smile. I may one day write about my homebrew and the world I crafted as a DM if you guys want. 😉