Allisa, I want to say upfront my friends and readers, is a sweetheart and superstar. ^-^ She has always been so supportive and kind when it came to my work, is a beautiful soul, a fantastic writer, a wonderful mother, and an epic nerd queen! I look forward to seeing what creations she is cooking up next. Come meet this incredible individual. =)
Author to Author Q and A:
1. Where did you grow up? Did your childhood have any impact on your writing?
“I grew up in southeastern Missouri. I would say my childhood definitely started me on my writing path because it gave me a way to create a safe place to escape. I think it gave me a voice when I had no way to communicate my feelings.“
2. Tell us about the first story you ever wrote, published or not?
“I started writing stories in grade school so my first one was not published. It was based on a game a group of us would play on the playground. The main character was trapped in a house trying to find the main love interest while she and the group of her friends battled trolls and shifting rooms.”
3. What are you currently working on, writing-wise?
“Currently, I am writing serialized romance novels for a small publishing company. The current theme is mafia based and is set in a fictional town.”
4. What is your favorite character you have ever created and why?
“My favorite character so far has been a love interest named Liam. He is basically the villain of the book I wrote him in but he allowed me to process some traumatic experiences in creative and constructive ways while looking at the experience through the big bad’s eyes. It provided a lot of closure I never expected even if he was purely a work of fiction.”
5. Do you have to write in order or do your ideas just come to you and you put them in order later?
“So I have to say I do a little bit of both. When I outline my chapters it starts with filling in different spots I know I want in the book. Those are usually specific lines or specific hooks but when I start writing the actual novel I have to write it in order or I lose track.”
6. What was your path like until you found writing?
“To say I was a bookwork is an understatement. I found that books held all these other lifetimes I could live safely from my seat. I have always been an anxious and awkward person and books gave me the chance to form connections with fictional characters so that I didn’t have that initial anxiety.”
7. How is your relationship with your publishing company/platform?
“My current publisher has been amazing. I was paired with an editor who not only helps me improve my writing but also fan girls throughout the process. I think anyone starting out would find them beneficial and would be happy to give more details upon request!”
8. Tell us about your covers.
“Before I had a publisher I created my first two books on Canva and I still am in love with them to this day. In my first publisher experience, I opted to provide my own cover and it was designed and created by my older brother. For this last book, I published I gave direction to my publisher and it took over a month but it turned out better than I ever imagined. Each has small context clues you can find throughout the book.”
9. What inspires you to write?
“Books have this way of making me feel invincible. They help me process and find closure and I publish them because I hope I can offer that same experience to anyone else.”
12. If you could publish every book idea you’ve ever had, how many books would you have out right now?
“Oh goodness. I am fairly confident I could make a miniature library. I have lost count.”
13. Have you ever considered co-writing a book or series with another author?
“Absolutely! I think having someone to bounce ideas off of is extremely beneficial in creating a well round book.”
14. What do you do to relax?
“Besides writing? lol
I bake, rearrange my furniture at least once a week, and I take baths hotter than Mordor.“
15. If you could tell your 14-year-old self one thing, what would it be?
“That love isn’t fictional. Fictional romance always has a tie to the real kind in some form and it’s just as hard even if the world isn’t in danger. I would then tell her all the ways it was worth it.”
16. What advice would you have for this upcoming generation?
“I would tell them to hold tight to a healthy coping mechanism. I got lucky and stumbled into mine and I hope they are lucky too.”
17. Have you ever read a book that changed your outlook on life?
“I have read several. The most prominent one was the book ‘Thirteen Reasons Why.’ It taught me that even the smallest things can tear a person down and the effect someone who sees you for you can have.”
18. Do you have a classic piece of literature or a classic author you are fond of? How about one that is overrated?
“I feel a little silly admitting it but I have always loved ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ Although as I have grown up and reread it it hit differently each time for different reasons. I think that is why I cling to it. I have yet to stop learning something from it and now it feels like home.
“As far as overrated, I can’t say that the books I’ve disliked weren’t worth the hype. I feel each person has a different lesson they learn when they read a book from their love language to what they want and don’t want in a fictional world. I will say the book that unsettled me the most when I was least expecting it would be ‘The Lovely Bones’ and it didn’t sit well with me because it was so heartbreaking.“
19. Is there any music that gets your writing juices flowing?
“It depends on what I am writing and I can’t write while it plays but old-time love songs or songs connected to a memory do it best. My two favorites are ‘Love You Anyway’ by Luke Combs and ‘Sway’ by Dean Martin.”
20. If you could pick three people who are your heroes or role models, who would they be and why?
“My grandmother is at the top of this list. She has been my biggest support in my family and is always on a new adventure. I want to be her when I grow up.
“The last two are hard to narrow down. I have met so many people who encourage me and help me grow it’s hard to name anyone else without the others.“
21. Dog or cat person?
“Honestly, I would adopt an alligator if I could. HA!”
22. What do you want to eat right now?
“Vanilla sandwich cookies dipped in coffee.”
23. If you could be in any movie that has already been made, which one would it be?
“Labrinth and they wouldn’t have to change the main character’s name.“
24. What is your favorite holiday or time of year?
“September-October; no question.
“We host a dinner on Halloween that is basically a Thanksgiving with stew instead of turkey.“
25. Anything else you would like to add?
“Anyone who has made a significant impact in my life can find bits of themselves in the worlds that I create. A handful of people make it into every single one.“

I loved this soo much!!!
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