MARK YOUR CALENDARS! ONE WEEK AWAY! ON MARCH FIRST this year, at 8:00 CENTRAL TIME UNTIL APRIL 4th, I am launching my FIRST Kickstarter Campaign so we can get the first “The Hunter and The Bringer” audiobook funded! ^_^ What is Kickstarter? It is a crowdfunding site where you pledge to donate so much money…
Author: Morgan
Interview with my “Spirit Vision” Narrator- Abby Anderson!
As an author, our books are our children. Like all parents, we want our children to succeed and be loved, have steps of shining achievement. One of my biggest dreams was to have my works turned into audiobooks. I have deeply respected and love voice actors, how they capture such emotion with just their voices…
Top Ten Best GLEE Couples (Top Ten #117:)
The power of song compels so much, reflecting feelings that sometimes simple words or actions cannot express fully. Although it was campy, over-dramatic, and odd at times, GLEE did know this. Even though the characters switched partners more than square dancers (quoting another fabulous show, “That 70’s Show,”) some parings really touched my heart and…
Behind-The-Scenes with My BFF Interview #5- Julie Niemann
Welcome to my world, minna-san! 😀 I am so delighted that the first interview I got to give for 2022 is my sister from another mister, Julie! I have known Julie since high school, but we started getting very close after I got married. She is a real inspiration to me, one of the strongest…
Top Ten Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Battle Outfits (Top Ten #116:)
Welcome to 2022 you magical girls and wizards! What better way to start off our yearly top tens for this new year than to combine two of my favorite things: my beloved and first anime and manga series AND nerdy fashion! I have done Cardcaptor Sakura lists in the past on this site AND GeekyKool’s,…
Top Ten New Mangas I Started Reading This Year (Top Ten #115:)
For the past year and a half, I am so blessed to get to be a part of a local Girls Otaku Group (all of us over 21.) Having people in your life that share your passions, are there for you, and become more than friends, but family is a treasure like no other. And…
Top 12 Stocking Stuffer Christmas Gifts (Top Ten #114:)
Anyone who remotely knows me OR has kept an eye on my website since the start knows I LOVE Christmas! The magic of the chill in the air, finding the perfect gift for those I love, the whimsy decore, and the beauty of the season, embracing our fellow man, it all stirs happiness in me,…
Author-to-Author Interview: Mrs. Ashley Grant
One of the fantastic things about being an author is meeting incredible people and in the nerdy circuit, connecting to those who share your fluttering from fandom little souls is a real treat. 🙂 Ashley Grant is one of those fantastic people! So, let’s get to know this wonderful talent and a great person! Author…
“Before and After: The Hunter and The Bringer Fan Book and Short Story Collection” Sneak Peek!
Greetings and fairest of salutations, my fine, creative, and lovely friends! Morgan here! <3 I apologize for the lack of updates on my latest projects (although I think on the fun and collab front, I have been doing decently, ha!) But, I promise, there are several in the works. And you can find out all…
Top Ten Female ‘Power Rangers’ (Top Ten #113:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! 😀 Thank you guys for celebrating it with me, first off, and supporting me. ^_^ My birthday is one of my favorite times of the year. My parents were so kind to me growing up, treating me like a princess for the whole month of November with all the fanfare of…