I love how we are all connected by invisible strings of fate, each interaction meaningful in some form. When I was in elementary school, I was exceedingly shy, but I befriended a sweet girl named Dani in second grade, us having fun being silly on the blacktop together. A year later, Dani and I were…
Author: Morgan
Top Ten Live-Action Disney Films (Top Ten #112):
As many of you know, I am massive fan of Disney, it holding a special place in my heart, inspiring my morals, creativity, and approach for a good, wonder-filled life. A trend Disney seems to be doing is remaking their beloved animated classics and turning them into live-action spectuals. I know the fandom is mixed…
“Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory” Game Review:
“Where words leave off, music begins.”― Heinrich Heine Anyone who knows me even a little knows I love The Kingdom Hearts franchise, since the beginning (2002), the perfect marriage between anime and Disney. Yet, one thing about the series that makes my head spin (other than the complex plot) is that every game in the…
Top 15 High School Musical Franchise Songs (Top Ten #111):
Oh yes! These films were my LIFE for two years (my junior and senior years). There is nothing better. The cohesive story. The dream-worthy couple with the best hand-holding moments ever. The epic music and dance moves. Memorable lines! AH! Amazing. It still gets me into a happy bubble and pumped. ^_^ Since my high…
Behind-The-Scenes with My BFF Interview #3: Todd Koester
I have always been blessed to have some good men in my life. Yet, like stars in the sky, sometimes, they blink out of existence, move on to other things. It’s sad. But, beyond those celestial shimmers, a brilliant beam of light floats down, outshining the other stars. It is powerful, from another planet, but…
Top 5 Nintendo 64 Games AND Top 5 Gameboy Color Games (Top Ten #110):
DOUBLE FEATURE! To go with my summer GameCube Top Ten I did last month, I thought this would be a fun companion: GameBoy Color AND Nintendo 64. However, I could really come up with 5 for each system when it came to my favorites. Not that I didn’t enjoy many titles, but some really stuck…
Author-to-Author: Cathy Jackson
One of the unexpected delights of being an author is getting to interact with others in the field. Going to conventions is one of my favorite things to do, be it I am there as a fan to have fun with friends, meet celebrities, cosplay to make others smile, or sell my works. With this…
“Endless Silver Ocean” is Officially Released!
Drum roll, please! It is all HERE! At the end of May, my eighth book total and third poem/short story collection was released, titled, “Endless Silver Ocean!” This work was a roller coaster of emotions, deadlines, and the willingness to bare my soul more than any other work. The support I have received has been…
Author-to-Author Interview: Andy Bove
Hello dear friends! Summer is a great time to relax and what better way to do that than a good book? As an author, I love being able to share other amazing writers with the world. And today is no exception. I met Andy in March when we were both on a webshow with other…
Top Ten Songs That Remind Me of You (for my Ten Year Anniversary:) (Top Ten #108)
Hard to imagine, but in a few days (on the 18th), it will be my ten-year wedding anniversary. ^-^ Every day with you has been a ride: exciting, intense, relaxing, leisurely, high, and low. Sometimes, kisses come with struggle, embraces with health concerns, laughs with worry, changes with confusion. Life is a ride and I…