I have been so fortunate to have met my idols, the literal voices and souls of the characters that bring me so much joy and make my life grand. When your heroes are as kind as you imagine, it makes them even more incredible human beings. To share a passion we share, I wanted to…
Category: Top Tens and Morgan’s Fun Reviews
Top 40 Danielle Steel Books I have Read (Top #105):
When I got my current teaching position in a different town, I had to drive 25 minutes to and 25 more back each day. And I love my darling little Kia, but it is not modern in tech, so no blu-tooth. I was getting bored, losing time in my day from driving. I needed to…
Top 11 Movies Based on Nicholas Sparks Books (Top Ten #104)
Aww! Valentine’s Day (or Deadpool Day for those who don’t celebrate, lol) is here! That means love of some kind is in the air, chocolate will be our craving of the month, and hearts are all our eyes can see as roses seem to sprout from everywhere. I know I can celebrate my love for…
Top Ten Netflix Original Movies (2017-2020) (Top Ten #103):
Netflix has taken over the watching from home entertainment industry by storm and their content keeps getting more and more original content. Here are my picks for the top live-action only at this time Netflix original movies. Let’s grab some popcorn and chill. To All the Boys I Loved Before AND P.S. I Still Love…
Top Ten 2000 to Current Disney Animated Shows (Top Ten #102):
Ah. December. The air is nippy with the hope of snow, carols ringing, shopping a sport. This year of perfect vision supposedly started rough with a pandemic and we were isolated, but also came together. My wish for everyone this year has been for their safety and happiness. And it still is. I am grateful…
Top Ten Favorite “The Nutcracker” Songs (Top Ten #101):
One of my most treasured Christmas traditions is “The Nutcracker.” I first saw a large city production when I was seven and watching the massive tree grow on stage captured me. I have grown up surrounded by Nutcrackers, stories, films, and other forms of holiday magic, filling me with warmth. The story, the possibility of…
Top Ten 1980 to 1999 Disney Animated Shows (Top #100!)
Guys…in the past seven years of caring for this website, we have FINALLY made it to…100 TOP TENS! 😀 Either I have too many nerdy hobbies or opinions! HA! 😀 Thank you for sticking with me. I hope you’ve enjoyed them and will continue to do so. Now, for round #5 of this mini Top…
Top Ten Disney Channel Live-Action Shows (Top Ten #99):
Round #4. Ah, Disney Channel. How I wanted to be one of those kids that made the Mickey ears on the screen! There are so many amazing shows are here that still make me laugh and feel. Let’s see which ones are my favorite. I’m Morgan Straughan Comnick, and you’re watching Disney Channel. Da-da-da…dada! Top…
Top Ten Live-Action Nick Shows (Top Ten #98):
Round #3 of my TV Show Top Ten list for the end of 2020. But, this time, I went a different route. Although cartoons are embedded in my soul, I also enjoy life actions. And pre-teen/teeny shows are no exception. So, this list will be from Nickelodeon once more, but the live-action shows. 😉 Top…
Summer 2020 Movie Challenge: A List Special
Hello friends! As a teacher, 2020 has been an unpredictable and crazy time like for many. With someone with an autoimmune disease, I also have to take safety measures, but still need to take care of my mental health. Balancing things have been challenging. So, I thought: we need to make this challenge fun. My…