Are you a fan of Spirit Vision, The Hunter and The Bringer, or other works by Morgan Straughan Comnick and want her and the world to know? Let Morgan know about it! E-mail Morgan at with a piece of fan art, a fanfiction, or anything else and it will forever be here on the Fan Base page for all to enjoy! Morgan loves hearing from you guys! Names do not have to be on work in order to be accepted, but at least a nickname if you want credit. Hope to hear from you all soon!
Note: All works submitted, being drawn or written, must not have any hentai. This means any material or images that are not acceptable for people under the age of 13. If you have any questions about this, e-mail Morgan.
“Spirit Vision” Fan Art:
- Submitted by A.Y.
Submitted by my inner cover artist for Spirit Vision, my student Miss Jenna Preston. She said it was a Valentine’s Day gift for me! ^-^
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery contest entry #1: submitted by J.P., grade 8th, 14 years old, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #2. Submitted by A.S., 15 years old, Canada.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #3. Submitted by: J.N., 26, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #4. Submitted by: J.C., 26, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision sign for the Fan Art section by A.H., 14 years old, 8th grade
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #5. Submitted by: H.B., age 14, grade 8th, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #6. Submitted by: K.N., age 15, 8th grade, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #7. Submitted by: A.C., age 14, grade 8th, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #8. Submitted by: S.L, age 14, grade 8th, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #9. Submitted by: R.F., age 13, grade 7th, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #10. Submitted by: A.W., age 14, 8th grade, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision 2 Fan Art Gallery entry #11. Submitted by: P.S., age 14, 8th grade, U.S.A.
Spirit Vision Fan Art. Submitted by: H.B., age 14, 8th grade, U.S.A. (May 2015)
Spirit Vision Fan Art- Kawaii Maren Rowe- Submitted by: T.T., U.S.A. at Max-Con 2015 (September 2015)
The top four drawings were done by my 2014-2015 middle school ELA Lab class. The images are their versions of the iconic setting for their favorite, chapter 10 in my first book, “Spirit Vision.”
R.B., age 16, going into the 10th grade
“Spirit Vision” Fan Writing:
“In what twilight realm, do we enter starry light? Do we ever surrender not the hopes, of a thousand times to write?
Is there something in the magic of the mind, with which we operate so soft? Doth to what we owe, for a person as thus so soft?
Never to cross, nor come across, a writer with such grandeur, someone with a million hits charisma, never a hater, and will be this be lured.
Morgan is her name and she is, astounding as a literate, the day you gained such knowledge, cherish, the day you lose this, fear it.With likes so bounding, with passions grand, and a multitude of kind, to write the way you must be writing, is with a never hating mind.
Her Spirit led her to the Vision, to which we put down print. Leno, Letterman, perhaps even Pulitzer will get the hint.A writer such as thy comes nary, as to you never need to pretend. For you are one and only ever, the perfect example of a friend.
Take the gifts that has given you, and never be remiss. For your brilliant future has been tagged, with the gift of Heaven’s kiss.Write On!”
Written about me, for me, by my friend, poet Adam Pfaff
Shining Star
“Sometimes I wish upon a star,
then I wonder where you are.
Then I see you standing there;
I try not to stare.
You make me feel like I belong.
You hypnotize me with your song.
You’re my shining star.
When you’re not close, you’re too far.
Shining Stars.”
Written by L.L., age 13, grade 7th, for Stary and Umbra (Spirit Vision series)
“The Hunter and The Bringer” Fan Art:

Both of these works are done by my wonderful and talented friend, Julie Niemann. ^_^

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