I am Egypt. You are Rome. We rule the ancient worlds and bring magic to the modern world between our hearts to work with children, sensibility, childlike wonder, love for animes and our loved ones, and nerd pride. Alesha always allows me to be myself, in good times and bad. I like how she isn’t…
Top 13 Favorite Cardcaptor Sakura Openings and Ending Themes (Top Ten #122:)
Anyone who knows me at all knows I adore magical girls! The thought of a girl saving the world with magic wands and love and friendship while owning heels and a mini skirt after a detailed, sparkly transformation sequence is just so endearing! My most cherished series will always be “Cardcaptor Sakura” by CLAMP, my…
TOP 12 Nintendo DS Games (Top Ten #133:)
Rounding up our video game lists is the Nintendo DS! I recall when this game was out then the 3DS! MAN! Game changers! Double screen, some games interactive with different activities! Or you only used the 3D feature for a few minutes due to the crazy blurriness, Look into why your airpods keep cutting out…
Special Interviews with “The Hunter and The Bringer” Narrators: Lexi Evans AND Neal Arane!
Writing is seen as a lonely art in the processing stages. Images of coffee shops, a library with the author scribbling at their wooden desk, late nights, or locking themselves for solitude until the work is finished tend to be the stereotypes that pop into many minds. Yet, writing is a social passion. I have…
Top 12 Tim Curry Roles (Top Ten #121:)
Ah! This man needs no introduction. He’s suave, witty, charming, weird, a good king, a dark tyrant, and his laugh will ring. That’s right: Tim Curry! What roles of his, in film, TV shorts, voice acting, or Broadway, fill me with delight? Let’s gallop into a mystery and feel his toxic love in this time…
Top 12 Robin Williams’ Roles (Top Ten #120:)
Movies give us an escape from reality or make us think. Actors are needed for this transporting form of media. All are talented, but some are beyond stars; they are legends, meant to kindle a flame of love and connection to a nation without them trying. They are just that natural. Robin Williams is one…
Behind-the-Scenes with my BFF #6- Sarah Interview:
In 2019-2020, the world during our generation was shutting down. Finding new outlets to entertain to protect your health and sanity is a must. Your mind expanded. So, when I was reached out to by a fellow Knight from high school (two years younger) on Facebook, who told me I inspired her being so bold…
Top 35 “Barbie” Movies (Top Ten #120:)
Ah. “Barbie.” A staple in my childhood, fueling my whimsy, magic, opening the belief in possibilities. I mean; Barbie has literally had every job! LOL! Lovely, bright, caring, role model, creative… She can do it all and look fabulous while doing it. I owned so many products: dolls, of course, collectibles, her siblings and besties,…
Top Ten Favorite ‘Must Read Classic’ Novels (Top Ten #119:)
We all know the drill. In school, there are sets of books and novels known as ‘classic literature,’ well-known and impactful works that changed their time and still stand true today, generations later often. I was no exception, having to read a dozen at least for the requirement, some on my own accord. And what…
My Top Favorite D & D Characters I’ve Played As (with descriptions):
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! Four years ago, through a co-worker, Derrick and I were introduced to this staple of fantasy, imagination, and nerdom. This is a dream that Derrick had wanted to do since he was a little boy and man; he took to this like an eagle to a fresh fish! Researching and getting sucked…