Aspiring Authors Spotlight Questions for March featuring Julie Clauser Hello everyone! ^_^ I hope you’re liking my blog tour! Have had so much support these past week and over 700 giveaway entries! 0.o That’s INSANE!!! You guys are the best! We still have one more stop to look at and you can go to any…
Category: News
Spring Break- Time for Book Work! ^_^
Weather: It’s BEEN LOVELY for a week now! ^_^ Although, they keep hinting at snow tomorrow…GRRR! Working on: Updating my website, trying not to fall asleep Currently Listening to: Anime openings Currently Watching: Lovely Complex (the anime) I just saw the CUTEST scene in an anime I have seen in a long while! ^_^ They…
Aspiring Author Spotlight with Danny Bagdonas (February, 2014 AAS author 2)
Hello everyone, Welcome to our second special aspiring author spotlight guest. I have known this gentlemen for a decade now when he randomly e-mailed me a Kingdom Hearts question on one of my many Freewebs mini websites (Those were the days…Anyone remember those?!). From there, we found we both had a love for Cardcaptor Sakura,…
Love, Chocolate, and Bear Dogs?! 0.o
Weather: Nice…FINALLY! Working on: Updating my website, trying not to fall asleep Currently Listening to: My Sailor Moon clock ticking Currently Watching: The Muppets Movie. SO EXCITED for the next one next month! Currently Playing: I’m 22 hours on Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I haven’t touched it in two weeks though; been busy,…
Guest Author Interview- Danielle Bienvenu
Author to Author Q and A Guest: Danielle Bienvenu 1. Where did you grow up? Did your childhood have any impact on your writing? I’m a Southern girl. I grew up in Beaumont, Texas which is 45 minutes from the ocean, 45 minutes from Louisiana and about 3 hours away from Mexico. I think my…
Ice, Ice, Baby
Weather: SLICK AS GLASS!!! >.< Working on: Updating my website, listening to Youtube videos, eating pizza Currently Listening to: Youtube Currently Watching: Girl’s High was the last thing I watched on T.V. Currently Playing: I’m 16 hours on Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. It’s fun! ^.^ Currently Reading: Just finished Princess of Glass by…
Aspiring Author Spotlight- with Adam Pfaff (January 2014, Aspiring Author One)
Hey guys! Before I get to my REAL update, I wanted to let you know I finished my Pokémon X Review! It took a lot of time, but it reflects my feelings on the game. Please check it out and comment! Click the hyperlink to view it OR go to my Blog page! Also, an…
Guest Post: Emily Wenstorm
Please welcome my very special guest, Ms. Emily Wenstorm, from her blog Creative Juicer! 😀 Emily is here to teach us more about the transformation of vampires from the Lord of the Night himself, Dracula, to the perfectly boyfriend, Edward Cullen! Read her amazing guest post below! Vampires from Dracula to the Cullens As a…
Website Frenzy!
Weather: A bit nippy Working on: Updating my website and talking to friends Currently Listening to: For once…nothing! 0.o Currently Watching: An episode of the first season of Pokémon last night Currently Playing: Finished with Pokémon X (will do a blog shortly) and now 7ish hours in to Pokémon Recuse Ranger: Gates to Infinity. Currently Reading:…
Happy 2014!!!
Weather: Nice for winter Working on: Updating my website Currently Listening to: “Pokémon University” by Random Encounter Currently Watching: The whole part 1 of “R.W.B.Y.” that my brother loves Currently Playing: I JUST beat the Elite Four and Champion of Pokémon X and had over 25 hours of game play! I may play a tad…