HUNTERS! BRINGERS! MORTALS! MONSTRUMS! Wait…no monsters! Get out of here! ;)- Raise a cheer, throw confetti, blast your favorite J-Pop songs, and bring your nicknames, today is… THE DAY IS HERE!!! RELEASE DAY!!! GET YOUR COPY HERE ON AUDIBLE OR AMAZON TODAY! I am so grateful for the patience as the second installment of my…
Category: News
Top 15 Fandoms I Need Merchandise For: (Top Ten #137:)
It’s my birthday month! Woot! =D 35 granted me the gift of having an amazing audiobook project released. ^-^ On my Youtube, I do an unboxing on the nerdy items that make me happy. I love expressing myself through the fandoms that bring me joy, the little things that inspire me, or cheer me up….
Behind the Scenes with my BFF Interview- Lacey (BFF #11:)
If you want to meet the sweetest, bubbliest, and most fun person ever, look no further than Lacey! Her kindness is grander than a fairy godmother in fairy tales, her warmth brings you happiness and just makes you feel special, seen. Let’s get to know this cloud of starlight! ^_^ Questions Lacey Asked Me: ABOUT…
Favorite Songs from “Sonic Adventure 2” and “Sonic Heroes:” (Top Ten #136:)
The chili dog-loving blue blur has been running around at the speed of sound in my life since I got my first video game console, the trustworthy Sega Genius! He was so entertaining; cheeky, funny, mighty, friendly, and just brought a smile to your face, be it in the games, comics, or T.V. shows (and…
Author to Author Q and A: Brian Rodman
The beard of epicness! What an honor it is to have my Kickstarter mentor and this insanely amazing artist, writer, health warrior, and cat dad on my website! ^_^ I’ve met Mr. Rodman as a friend through other creative friends and he is such a stand-up guy, as whimsical and engaging in all he does…
Top Five Animes and/or Manga About Cats (for Husband’s Birthday:) (Top Ten #135:)
Last week, my hubby had his 36th birthday. I am so honored I have got to celebrate 18 birthdays with him now. ^_^ Every year, I try to do a special post for him on here, GeekyKool, and my social medias. My husband is fantastic with animals; it is astounding! And we have a darling…
Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Website Special Post: Showing my Fan Club Box from 1994!
Radical to see you, my fellow protectors! ^_^ My beloved franchise is turning 30 TODAY; can you believe it?! To celebrate, I did a week of Power Rangers-themed posts on my Facebook and Instagram from the 21st until today. I also did an exclusive one on my Patreon AND you can morph on over…
Random Facts I Like (Top Ten #134:)
It is almost back to school-time. A time for teachers and students to groan and parents to rejoice, lol! So, I figured our minds need to get pumping again. What better way to do that than some knowledge, but on mixing up the trend. I love little random facts. And it is a good ice…
Behind-the-Scenes with my BFF- Drew (BFF #10)
Drew is such a burst of rainbow prisms! She is the most welcoming, funny, and giving person I know, her personality shining in all she does. I admire her immensely. She always takes care of us, be it with random little gifts, giving dresses, cooking great meals for us, a sweet hug, considerate advice, and…
My Top Favorite Pokemon Fan Theories (Top Ten #133:)
On the beyond great, nerdy online magazine I write for, GeekyKool, I do Pokemon Month in July. As you guys know, Pokemon is near and dear to my heart, since I was 11, giving me so much. So, I figured this month’s Top Ten on my site could reflect this celebration! ^_^ Fan theories have…