Happy Almost Halloween/my Birthday, minna-san! 😀 Once again, I apologize for my lack of massive updates since school started up, but it is just that: my first official teaching job (and all the paperwork, meetings, and prep it takes on top of being in the classroom) on top of running an after school anime club…
Author: Morgan
Top Ten Favorite Name-brand Candy Bars/Candies (Top Ten #56):
Just in time for Halloween! 😀 Here are my top ten favorite candy bars and candies. As you can tell, most of them are chocolate; it’s something I really adore. Halloween is also very special to me because my birthday is the day after (November 1st), so I got to celebrate two holidays epically in…
“Rex” by Rita Stradling blog tour spot interview and excerpt (for A.U.)
Please welcome on my next Author’s Gold (A.U.) segment, Ms. Rita Stradling. I am honored to be one of the stops on her blog tour for her latest book, “Rex.” Please welcome her and this amazing interview and an exclusive excerpt! Author to Author Interview: Hi! Thank you so much for interviewing me on your…
“Spirit Vision 3: The Power of Mortals” Reveal!
Konnichiwa minna-san! I apologize for my lack of updates on here! A lot of things have been going on in my life, keeping me away. I will explain all of this in my next massive blog update, which I will do every soon, but for now, I am so happy to announce the LONG awaited…
Top 15 Cardcaptor Sakura outfits (Sakura’s) (Top Ten #55):
To celebrate Max-Con this weekend, I wanted to do a top list that showed off my love for anime and costumes and this was it! 😀 Here are my top 15 favorite battle costumes of the heroine from my favorite anime and manga by CLAMP, Cardcaptor Sakura. Enjoy! ^_^ I pictures are in order below…
Top Ten CLAMP Couples (Top Ten #54)
CLAMP is so near to my heart and it embedded itself into my cells, flows through my veins, and allows my soul to speak. My first manga was Cardcaptor Sakura and their manga-ka? CLAMP. I have never looked back, willingly going the rabbit hole into their Wonderland of deep thinking stories, stunning artwork/costume design, endearing characters,…
Sun Setting on Summer, but it’s the Dawn of the Black Cat!
Weather: It either is super muggy and over 90 degrees or random rain sprinkles to buckets! Working on: Finishing Spirit Vision 3 beta reads and second edits, a little writing on other projects, but mostly, getting my classroom and lesson plans for my first teaching job ready! 🙂 Currently Watching: I JUST finished all my animes for the…
Tour Spot with Guest Post, Giveaway, Interview, and Excerpt from Coral Walker’s “Children of Swan.”
Interview with Ms. Walker, author of “Children of Swan:” Where did you grow up? Did your childhood have any impact on your writing?- I grew up in a different world from the one I am living in now. I was born and raised in China. It was a rigid society then, where individuality was forbidden,…
Top Ten (Bottom Ten?) Pokemon that don’t FEEL like Pokemon to me (Top Ten #53)
Okay! Before we start: I do dislike MOST of these Pokémon, but not all! Like, I actually really like #3. These are just the Pokémon when I look at their design, they just don’t feel like Pokémon or they belong in the Pokémon world OR they reminded me too much of another series for me…
Top 15 Favorite “Other Pokémon” Types (Top Ten #52)
Top 15 Other Pokemon (NOT legendries, starters, fire, psychic, or water): Altaria (dragon/flying/fairy when it mega evolves) Skarmory (steel/flying) Glaceon (ice) Teddiursa (normal) Furret (normal) Eevee (normal) Pichu* (electric) Mawile (steel/fairy) Ditto (normal) Linoone (normal) Butterfree (bug/flying) Roselia (grass/poison) Cherrim (grass) Lucario (steel/fighting) Herdier (normal) *Pikachu is on my Top Ten Starter list because, technically,…