Hello everyone! I know I have not got to do an Aspiring Author Spotlight in a few months, but man! Do I have a treat for you today! This summer, my mom, my younger brother Miles, and I were leaving one of our local antique malls (that have the BEST pretzels and cheese EVER), and…
Author: Morgan
Top Ten Video Game series/genres (childhood and current combined) (Top Ten #38)
Game. On! Pokemon (Main series and side games) Kingdom Hearts (Main series and side games) Sonic the Hedgehog (The Gamecube games are my favorite though) Yu-gi-oh handheld games (playing the card game) Mario sports games/Mario party/Mario Cart/Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games Search and Finds (such as I-Spy) Bejeweled and games like it Soul…
New Jobs and a Start to Sizzling September!
Weather: SUPER hot and humid, in the 90’s, for 2 weeks now. :(- I got caught in a bad, random thunderstorm while walking a few weeks ago! o.0 Saw lightning in front of me and I was two blocks away! Scary! Working on: Lesson plans for all three of my teaching positions, some writing projects, and updating the website….
Top Ten Shows for Adults I watch (starting after 1998) (Top Ten #37)
The Big Bang Theory Will & Grace Whose Line is it Anyway? Project Runway Once Upon a Time Glee King of the Nerds The Little Couple Ellen Show OR How I Met Your Mother Pawn Stars OR Storage Wars
Onward to Battle with…Wrapping Paper Rolls?
Weather: Either summer, sweaty hot or raining for over a week now. Working on: Have had a headache all weekend, so taking thing slow with updating. Currently Listening to: “Confessions of an Ex Disney Employee!” SO FUNNY! Some content is mature, but the Disney ones are GREAT! Currently Watching: I saw “Pixel” today with Derrick,…
Patricia Lynne “Gabriel” (Path of Angels final book) Character Interview
Hello world! Welcome to my first ever segment of “A.U,” or “Authors Unite,” because “Every author’s story is worth its weight in gold!” I will be switching back between this and Aspiring Author Spotlight (AAS) at the end of each month, depending on the amazing writers I come across and the needs at the time….
Top Ten Water Pokémon (Top Ten #36)
Water is the most common type of Pokémon, but, although I cannot swim, I love to play with water, splash in it, refresh myself in its purity. Misty is boss and there are so many neat, cool, or lovely water types. Starmie has been on my dream team for Pokémon since 1999 and nothing will…
Top Ten Fire Pokémon (Top Ten #36)
Fire is my second favorite Pokémon type. I like fire in elements in general, which is ironic because I am a very mild, against violence person. But, nevertheless, I adore fire Pokémon. My favorite Pokémon of all time is Ponyta, my favorite male gym leader is Blaine, and when I had a choice of any…
Cosplacon 2015 Review
To check out most of the panels I attended, you can view videos of them on my Youtube Channel (key word: Cosplacon 2015), along with Cosplacon 2014 videos and past Anime St. Louis and NatsuCon! To see ALL my pictures from the event, please go to my public Cosplacon 2015 Facebook gallery. I am a…
Top Ten Psychic Pokemon (Top Ten #35)
Psychic is my favorite type in Pokémon. They appeal to me in the anime, Sabrina, the first psychic gym leader, my favorite of all time. I enjoy battling with them in games and they are my partners, the theme in both my decks in the TCG Pokémon game is, you guessed it, psychic! 😀 To…