Top Fifteen anime voice actors/actresses I want to meet: Luci Christian Yui Horie* Chris Sabot Chris Patton Crispin Freeman Michelle Ruff Caitlin Glass Todd Haberkorn Greg Ayres Christine Auton Travis Williamham Jerry Jewell Wendee Lee Michael Lindsey Tera Strong AND Kelly Sherdian *OH Yui Horie! <3 She’s the Japanese singer that got me into J-Pop…
Author: Morgan
YA Book Bundle Giveaway! April 13th to 17th!
Do you like to read new books? Do you like things that are free? If you said YES to both of those questions, then I have a deal for you guys! ^_^ From April 13th to 17th, you can enter to win a bundle (six in each) of e-books by amazing authors FOR FREE! Spirit…
Spring Break is in Bloom!
Weather: Lovely 75, so really pretty/starting to get a little hot. The tress began bursting into bloom! YEAY! =D I love the pink petals and smell of the white apple blossoms! <3 Working on: It’s spring break, so I am catching up on errands, writing, little, important work items, relaxing, and seeing friends and family….
Top Ten Yu-Gi-Oh Characters (Top Ten #31)
*In honor of Anime St. Louis, which I do not get to attend this year (but for a good reason), I posted this top ten! Eric Straut, the voice of Seto Kiaba from Yu-gi-oh along with Brock and James from Pokémon, will be at this year’s con! I feel bad I miss him. 🙁 An…
March 2015 Aspiring Author Spotlight- Mrs. Kate Dillon (AAS #15)
If you want a lady who can do anything and have fun doing it, Kate Dillon is your muse! I first met Kate when I started long-term subbing at FMS a few years ago and she liked me helping out in the afternoons in her gifted classroom. I have never seen a schedule or variety…
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Review
Picture back to 2003. A young, shy girl in the awkward social, physical, and emotional transition time between child and adult at age fourteen, hiding her still burning love for Pokémon, the popular trend over two years earlier that the cliques got out of. Announcement came of a third generation and this timid lass (or…
March Disney Villain Madness round #8- DUO: Prince John AND The Horned King
It’s a dawning of a new era! THE FINAL MATCH!!! Make sure to vote in this final battle! Round #8 and our second TAG-TEAM MATCH is being thrown down today, from March 15th to March 16th! Make sure to watch my video (and Dan’s too…if you want…;)-) for our contenders and vote for your favorite at…
March Disney Villain Madness- round #7- DUO: King Candy/Turbo AND Syndrome
IT’S TIME TO DUEL! DOUBLE BATTLE!!! Round #7 and our FIRST TAG-TEAM MATCH of two is being thrown down today, from March 13th to March 14th! Make sure to watch my video (and Dan’s too…if you want…;)-) for our contenders and vote for your favorite at the link AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE (this post…
March Disney Villain Madness- round #6- Lady Tremaine
Hug that teddy bear tight; step-mother is here! Welcome to round #6 in Dan Wright and I’s “March Disney Villain Madness!” You can vote for round #3 from March 11th and 12th! But…I know you’ll vote for MY team! #TeamPBCMorgan! Cruella De Ville, Jafar, Scar, Yzma, Captain Hook, and now the Wicked Step-mother! Stare at…
March Disney Villain Madness round #5- Captain Hook
Sorry Dan; mother does not know best and this battle will be a match of blades and hooks! Welcome to round #5 in Dan Wright and I’s “March Disney Villain Madness!” You can vote for round #5 from March 9th and 10th! But…I know you’ll vote for MY team! #TeamPBCMorgan! Cruella De Ville, Jafar, Scar, Yzma,…