If there ever was a guy that was the best like no one ever was…It is Danny! ^o^ Danny and I have only known each other for a few months. Cosplacon was having a Pokémon X and Y handheld competition with gym leaders. At first, I thought I read that it was a partner match….
Author: Morgan
Top Ten Fictional Weapons/Abilities I’d Want (Top Ten #23)
#1. Psychic powers/mutant abilities (Sabrina from Pokémon, Professor X, Jean Gray from X-Men, Shadow Cat from X-Men) #2. Magic Wand (Sakura’s from Cardcaptor Sakura or any of Sailor Moon’s, although SuperS is my favorite) #3. Sword (The sword card from Cardcaptor Sakura) OR a Keyblade (I did a top ten JUST on these things!) #4. Bow…
Guest Post by Casey Blumenstock- Music and Writing
Cowabunga dudes and lady dudes! 🙂 Morgan here! I apologize for the absence; I started teaching College for Kids two weeks ago and I have one more full week of classes. It’s been enjoyable, but between that and deadlines for the press (AKA writing mostly), my time has been limited. After College for Kids is…
Top Ten Younger Characters in Anime (Top Ten #22)
Top Ten Younger Characters in Anime (Age 13 and under): Sōsuke and Ponyo (Ponyo) Sumomo (Chobits) Kiki and Tombo (Kiki’s Delivery Service) Sugar, Salt, and Pepper (Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar) Utako (CLAMP school detectives and Man of Many Faces) Nagisa Azuya (CLAMP school detectives) Asmaria (Chrono Crusade) Kisa (Fruits Basket) Hatoko (Angelic Layer) AND Anju…
Summer Sun, Too Much to Be Done!
Weather: Muggy since it has been raining then sunny back and forth all day Working on: Updating my website and prepping my Pokémon event tomorrow. I wrote some on Spirit Vision 2 this morning. Currently Listening to: I’ve been listening to “Muppets Most Wanted” soundtrack. I <3 these guys! Currently Watching: High School DxD…my brother…
Cosplacon 2014 Review
“When one door closes, another one opens”, or so they say. A door we were looking forward to, expecting, was slammed shut in our face and we needed our summer con home. We discovered less than three months before the supposed events, our dear summer anime con, Natsu Con, in our Collinsville, was canceled and…
June 2014 Aspiring Author Spotlight- Brady Payne (AAS #6)
Ah…What can I say about this young man? Brady and I go way back…No, literally WAY back! Brady and I became friends in kindergarten when he was the goofy little boy who played Cowboys and Indians with me, put another boy in the toy chest, and ran around the gym coach after we ran our…
Top Ten Pokemon Gym Badges by Design only (Top Ten #21)
Volcano Badge (Gen 1) Orange Island badges (Orange Island season) Rainbow (Gen 1) Cascade (Gen 1) Soul (Gen 1) Rumbling (Gen 6) Glacier (Gen 2) Jet (Gen 5) Marsh (Gen 1) Raising (Gen 2) June 11th, 2014- I am going to Cosplacon in Jefferson City tomorrow guys, woot! Doing my FIRST ever panel as a…
May 2014 Aspiring Author Spotlight- Alesha Sikes (AAS #5)
Welcome to our fifth Aspiring Author Spotlight everyone. Summer is approaching and this person fits the bill for summer fun, sunshine, and creativity that comes with this season. I met Miss Alesha Sikes three summers ago as a co-worker for my beloved summer program, College for Kids at my local community college. Alesha was a…
My Top Ten Favorite Board/Card Games (Top Ten #20)
20 top tens! WOOT! 😀 #1. The Big Bang Theory Party Game/Cards Against Humanity (18+!!!) #2. Scene It series #3. Egypt Rat Screw #4. Clue #5. Battleship #6. Popcorn #7. Uno/Go Fish #8. Twister #9. Life #10. Trouble My best friend and I know this avatar VERY well, right Missa?! *giggles, but gives a glare*…