Weather: Really rainy (my state is actually in a state of emergency right now due to all the flooding…) and only in the 40’s and 50’s, which is strange for Missouri in winter! Working on: Sunday school lesson plans, mentally making plans for what I need to do, work wise, my last week of break/enjoy…
Author: Morgan
Aspiring Author Spotlight- Evan Rowe (December 2015) (AAS #22)
Did you ever meet a friend on the playground? Most likely, it was in elementary school, right? My experience with this milestone was in high school! The summer between my freshmen and sophomore years, our gym class would walk to a park in town and I just met my now best friend, Evan Mullins. We…
Top Ten Fandoms (Top Ten #43)
For the holidays, I have done favorite songs and specials. Other than traditions, I am out of ideas! >.< So, here are the fandoms I will be squealing like a fan girl to get anything from them! ^_^ These are in no order, but these are the series that make me fangirl the most; people…
2015 NanoWrimo month Results Blog (Aspiring Author Spotlight special)
Hello friends! Tomorrow is the final day in November, my birthday month, and with it is a writers dream that has spread like wildfire across the world the last few years. ^_^ I am, of coarse, referring to, National Novel Writing Month, ran through the organization, Nanowrimo (my user name is starymoon07 if you wanted…
Top Ten Favorite Legendary Pokémon (Top Ten #42)
Top Ten Favorite Legendary Pokemon: Mewtwo Mew Entei Manaphy Giratina Xerneas Latias Meloetta Lugia Cresselia Honorable mentions: Articuno, Moltres, Suicune, Latios, Kyogre and Jirachi
The Birth of a new Youtube Channel, Eevee chases, Mummy Wrapping, and Vic fangirling!
Weather: Rainy and a tad nippy, but I enjoy the cool weather. ^_^ Working on: Updates, lesson plans for library, Nanowrimo, and how I am going to celebrate my birthday this weekend. Currently Listening to: “When it Falls,” the opening for the third season of R.W.B.Y., by Rooster Teeth Currently Watching: I watched Vic Mignona’s…
Max-Con 2015 AND Anime Getaway 2015 Mini Blogs and Reviews
TO SEE ALL MY VIDOES FROM MAX-CON 2015 AND ANIME GETAWAY 2015, GO TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE: Max-Con 2015 As a writer, we have two jobs: writing our works and advertising it. Social media, interviews, promotions, word of mouth…In our modern, technology run era, the outlets and outreaches are endless. However, there is one…
Aspiring Author Spotlight- Francine A. (October 2015) (AAS #20)
The air is crisp, the leaves are an array of warm hues that make you feel like you’re in a painting, the smell of spices waft in the air. It’s fall, the season of change, transformation. For this lovely October month of fun, I had the honor of bringing to my blog for this month’s Aspiring…
COMPLETE Top Ten Kingdom Hearts series Worlds (Top Ten #41)
This list is based on how memorable they were for me, playing wise and visuals. There are some that, in a Disney film aspect, I adore, but they were not as engaging as I was hoping or vice versa. ^-^ Enjoy keyblade wielders! County of the Musketeers Atlantica (all of them) Disney Castle/Disney Town Symphony…
Top Ten Voice Roles by Vic Mignogna AND Top Ten Voice Roles by J. Michael Tatum (Top Tens #39 AND #40)
In honor of Anime Getaway in less than 10 days, where I will FINALLY get to meet my dream voice actor, Vic Mignogna, and the AMAZING, super J. Michael Tatum, Miles and I have complied a list of their, to us, best performed voice over/dubbing roles. Some series, I am a bigger fan of than…