Weather: Nice Working on: Updating my website, doing laundry, and book stuff Websites up: Mine and Youtube Eating/Drinking: Steak n’ Shake with my hubby earlier (Why is it that I eat out on blog days?! >.<) Wearing: Black “Twilight” shirt with Edward holding Bella and jeans Currently Listening to: Eden of the East opening, but…
Author: Morgan
Top Ten Power Rangers series (Top Ten #10)
Top Ten Power Rangers series: #1. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (duh!) #2. Power Rangers in Space #3. Power Rangers- Time Force #4. Power Rangers Mystic Force #5. Power Rangers Zeo #6. Power Rangers Dino Thunder #7. Power Rangers Light Speed Recuse #8. Power Rangers SPD #9. Power Rangers Turbo #10. Power Rangers Samurai Ah! My…
Ahoy Matties!
Weather: Warm and humid Working on: Updating my website (been FOREVER) and trying to get better. 🙁 Websites up: Mine and Youtube Eating/Drinking: Subway earlier Wearing: My comfy black night gown with pink hearts and lace. Currently Listening to: “Wings” by Macklemore Currently Watching: I watched Disney Channel while I ate. Currently Playing: FINALLY Beat…
Top Ten Reasons I like school (Top Ten #9)
1. Seeing my friends and meeting new ones 2. Learning new things 3. Showing off my new clothes 4. Buying new, cute supplies 5. Fun days, dress-up days, and field trips 6. Electives 7. Imagining what school would be like if it was like an anime! FUN! 😀 8. Absorbing the setting and people to inspire…
A New School Year (2013-2014)!
Weather: Nice Working on: Final reading for the first day of school tomorrow before new “Whose Line is it Anyway” comes on Websites up: Mine, my Hotmail, and Youtube Eating/Drinking: Had Arby’s with Derrick earlier Wearing: My white knight polo shirt and tan capris. One of my co-workers put my hair in a braid. ^.^ Currently…
Natsu Con 2013 Review
Look out Collinsville, IL! Exactly 3 months from our departure for Anime St. Louis, we went to its younger sibling, NatsuCon! This is our second year attending and my four con since April of 2012. Not too bad huh? We ventured off with our good friends Nathan and Tabby. It was their 4th year at…
Summer school ate my July! 0.o
Weather: Wet, but nice Working on: Updating the site (finally) and uploading Natsu Con videos Websites up: Youtube and Word Press Eating/Drinking: Had Taco Bell with my hubby earlier Wearing: My black Twilight shirt with Edward and Bella dancing. The back says “I dream of being with you…Forever.” and denim capris Currently playing: Kingdom Hearts:…
Top Ten Snacks (Japanese) (Top Ten #8)
* This list is in no real order; these are just my favorite Japanese snacks I have tried over the years at cons or on-line. #1. Chocolate Chip Melon Bread #2. Coffee Bread #3. Chocolate bread #4. Steam Cake #5. Strawberry mocha #6. Coffee Milk #7. Yogurt drink #8. Chocolate Koalas AND Hello Pandas (Chocolate)…
Top Ten Greek Mythology Figures (Top Ten #7)
#1. Selene #2. Artemis #3. Dike #4. The Muses #5. Iris #6. Hygenia #7. Aphrodite #8. Hebe and Hestia #9. Apollo #10. Persephone and Penelope Favorite animals or part animals: Hippocampi Harpies Pegasus Chiron
Top Ten flavors of Ramune I’ve had (Top Ten #6)
#1. Cola #2. Pineapple #3. Strawberry #4. Blue Hawaiian OR Kiwi #5. Blueberry #6. Melon #7. Lychee OR Watermelon #8. Grape #9. Takuyaki OR Original (similar taste to Bubblegum) #10. Teriyaki