Which new Disney couples will get your heart a twitter and have the awwww’s flowing out of you like the river of love? That’s what my fellow author/channel mate Dan Wright and I are trying to find out. Which newly crafted Disney couple has the greatest fate of true love destiny? You help us…
Author: Morgan
Disney Couples: Reshuffled Match #3- Jasmine and Beast/Adam
Which new Disney couples will get your heart a twitter and have the awwww’s flowing out of you like the river of love? That’s what my fellow author/channel mate Dan Wright and I are trying to find out. Which newly crafted Disney couple has the greatest fate of true love destiny? You help us decide!…
Disney Couples: Reshuffled Match #2- Tiana and Aladdin
Which new Disney couples will get your heart a twitter and have the awwww’s flowing out of you like the river of love? That’s what my fellow author/channel mate Dan Wright and I are trying to find out. Which newly crafted Disney couple has the greatest fate of true love destiny? You help us decide!…
Disney Couples: Reshuffled Match #1- Nala and John Smith
Every princess dreams of true love and every hero to be near his lady love and Disney does it best with their couples! They are a staple for inspiration for what true love and devotion is, their pairings household names around the world! But, what if we split the couples up, re-pair them up with…
Aspiring Author Spotlight- Neil Cartujano (February 2016) (AAS #24)
I met Neil through my friend Franz. He is a hard working young man, striving to do the best he can with a smile on his face. I got this impression from him immeditadely and I look forward to getting to know him better along with his work. Welcome to Aspiring Author Spotlight, Mr. Neil…
A New Library, Hugs, and Journey
Weather: It snowed SUPER heavy on Valentine’s Day, but it is starting to melt. We had a snow day last Tuesday and Thursday, because it would snow real bad, then melt to go to school…then snow again, the melt! 0.o Off for President’s Day right now! It’s insane! Working on: Dan Wright and I’s latest event, filling…
Another Top Ten Anime Couples (Top Ten #45) Valentine’s Day
Two Valentine’s Days ago, I did a top ten of my favorite anime couples. It was a tricky list to narrow down! Since then, I have watched more anime and thought, what the hey! Love is beautiful and kawaii! So, for Valentine’s Day 2016, here is another top ten favorite anime couples of mine! <3…
Like the Phoenix, I Rise from the Ashes
Weather: Pretty good fall weather! 😀 Working on: Currently Watching: I’ve been on a Crunchy Roll kick. I’ve watched “Cute Earth Defenders” (Male magical girls. So fun!), Food Wars, and am not watching “From Me to You.” Several more to check out. ^_^ I also rewatched “xxxHolic” recently. Currently Reading: “Emerald Green,” the third and final…
Top Ten Favorite Starter Pokémon (Top Ten #44)
Ah…Starter Pokémon. Our first partners, friends, the one that tag along side us at our beginning, awkward stages of being a trainer. How loyal and darling these creatures are! Which ones are my favorite? The list tells all and, I have used most of the Pokémon on this list, in game. Top Ten Pokemon starters:…
Aspiring Author Spotlight- Tessa Trokey (January 2016) (AAS #23)
I met Tessa at my first convention being a guest on my own at Max-Con, 2015. During our Guest Q & A panel, At the panel, a mother and her two daughters (one in high school), asked some amazing, engaging questions. The high school young lady was Tessa. Later, she declared to me at my book table…