She’s brilliant, brilliant, brilliant and this dinosaur is the ultimate zoo keeper! This empress of comedy with her own theme song maker is ready for round #4 in Dan Wright’s and I’s “March Disney Villain Madness!” You can vote for round four from March 7th to 8th! But…I know you’ll vote for MY team! #TeamPBCMorgan! Cruella…
Author: Morgan
March Disney Villain Madness Round #3- Scar
The claws are coming out and no explorer is safe! Welcome to round #3 in Dan Wright and I’s “March Disney Villain Madness!” You can vote for round #3 from March 5th and March 6th. But…I know you’ll vote for MY team! #TeamPBCMorgan! Cruella De Ville, Jafar, AND NOW SCAR! Be prepared Dan! It’s a…
March Disney Villain Madness Round #2- Jafar
Who is the greatest Disney villain of all time? That’s what me and my press mate at Paper Crane Books, Dan Wright’s, have set out to find out! But…I know you’ll vote for MY team! #TeamPBCMorgan! I mean! I had CRUELLA DE VIl in round #1! It’s a battle of the wizards today! Round #2 is being…
March Disney Villain Madness Round #1- Cruella De Ville
March Disney Villain Madness! Who is the greatest Disney villain of all time? That’s what Dan Wright and I have set out to find out!Dan and I have put together our own little team of badass Disney villains and will challenge each other beginning the 1st March. With so many great villains to choose from, we could…
February 2015 Aspiring Author Spolight- Ms. Millie Tice (AAS #14)
In the past two years, FMS received some amazing new teachers and some were younger than me, a shocker at the time that I could be considered old! This is how I met Millie. Millie is a lovely, poised teacher, her excitement for her interests as bright as her red hair. I enjoyed having lunch…
50 Shades of Snow, Chocolate, and Disney Villains!
Weather: Cold. There is 7 inches of fluffy, soft snow on the ground (NO ICE thank gosh!) Had snow days on ALL. WEEK. (off Monday for Presidents Day. MAN!) Working on: Chores, cleaning, March blog project with a friend, updating my website Currently Listening to: Good Enough from the first episode of Empire. Never seen the show,…
Top 14 Favorite Flower (Top Ten #30- A Valentine’s Day special!)
Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Orange Roses Apple blossom Wisteria Hydrangea Dogwood Tiger Lilies Black Eye Susans Jasmine Lavender Daises Lilacs Pear blossoms/Peach blossoms Starflowers
January 2015 Aspiring Author Spolight- Ms. Jill Montgomery (AAS #13)
When I was still in high school and in early college, I wanted to start expressing and expanding my fandoms, my interest in being an otaku, a lover of Japanese culture. I had my website for three years at this point and was at least knee deep in anime and manga (which is only a…
2015 on the scene
Weather: Nice, 45 degrees for January Working on: Spirit Vision 3 pre-submission read-through, updating my website, school work, waking up… Currently Listening to: Tightrope and Mustang Sally from season 6 episodes of Glee. Currently Watching: The last thing I watched was episode 16 of “Special A” the dubbed anime. Currently Reading: Shadow Kissed (Vampire Academy…
Top Ten Things I Get Way Too Much Of (Top Ten #29)
*Just a note of warning: I get a lot of these items for Christmas and I am very grateful to get these gifts, to have someone care enough for me to give me a present. Sometimes, I ask for these things myself. However, since it is past Christmas and many people are enjoying their new…